shadowmirage: I haven't been on these forums for a while and don't understand why you're getting downvoted a lot, so I gave your positive posts a few upvotes to compensate. Has some drama occurred here while I was gone?
Some must have been genuine negative rep, the other downvotes haunt me whenever I join a giveaway it seems. I remember the most damning one was when I joined a thread about "cartoon tits" (the thread title had these two words in the name) being on the front page of GOG and Steam, and then I voiced my opinion that the front page should be clean for those kids, upon which I got slapped with a bunch of rabid anti-censorship guys who kept yelling "parenting".
But, what I do know is that everytime I join a giveaway, like I should, I'm rustling the jimmies of many enough to grant my post a "low rated" tag; the problem is I don't even try or even know who got their nerves hit by me. Is there anything worthy enough to low rate from saying that I got a key to Game X? Is there anything worthy enough to low rate this?
Could I get STALKER Clear Sky please? Thanks for the giveaway!
Anyways, I appreciate your upvotes. Thanks!