dtgreene: Except that straight romance comes up where it's not expected, plus, unlike gay romance, it's horribly overdone.
Tbh i'd say the pandering to various groups(macho straight male, lgbt, minorities, etc) over the years by corporations(including game makers, film makers, comic makers, etc) is also starting to become overdone in some ways.
dtgreene: (It also doesn't help that some companies put romance where it doesn't belong, Disney's Hercules being an example (though that wasn't the only problem with that particular movie).)
You mean Hercules and Megara? It's Disney....making the main characters fall in love is their thing.
dtgreene: That doesn't work so well in games where the player's avatar is supposed to represent the player, but the game forces choices that go against the player's sense of self.
If possible, change the avatars or just imagine a different one in one's head....again, as I said before, it's called imagination(fan fiction writers and others do this all the time).
As for sense of self, as I also said before: this(from personal experience and talks with others online/offine, etc) is/seems to be in large part due to
a lack of self confidence Imo it'd be better for players/viewers/etc to work on bolstering their self confidence rather than relying on media with characters similar to them like some sort of temporary fix band aid solution to the problem.
LootHunter: Oh, yeah? Tell that to people, who played Dragon Age Origins and just wanted to be nice to another male character, and ended with a gay romance as a result. It's not exclusive to straight romances to "come up where it's not expected".
I remember this.
While I don't mind unexpected romances much in such games, iirc I was also surprised (at first) to see when my character developed a romance with someone just by being nice to them in said game.
The above said, however, looking back on the dialod/etc I did notice some subtle hints that certain choices would lead to romances with said characters....though I can see some people missing them and being surprised, just as I was the first time around.
LootHunter: You do understand that this type of games aren't actually the majority, right?
This is true...not all games have avatars.