timppu: The little I've played Myth, I generally liked it especially the humor, but somehow the controls felt clunky. For some reason I had serious issues controlling the camera, the formations (to where your groups were facing), and also e.g. those dwarves which throw
Molotov cocktails were odd, I really couldn't understand how I could hit anything with them as it took them ages to prepare and throw the fire bombs, and then they wouldn't even explode right away. Was it even that some of them would fizzle out after you throw them?
Maybe it is all about practise, but I didn't really like the controls and gameplay.
I use WADS, W and S will move the camera forward and backward, A and D will swing the camera around. But Q and E will also swing the camera, but in a different way? I agree, the camera controls can be a bit funky without a bit of practice to see what works for you. Facing can be a bit weird, you hold down the mouse button and kinda push it in the direction you want your guys to face as you quickly let go of the button. Grouping's not too tough, Ctrl+a number will set the units selected as a group and then pressing that number will select them. You can double click on a unit, say, an archer, and it will select all the units of that type, so it's pretty simple and quick to select and make groups of each type.
As for the dwarves, just like every other ranged unit, their molotovs are projectiles. Those arrows archers shoot? Unlike other games, Myth doesn't do the hitscan thing, those are projectiles and it's a matter of those arrows hitting the targets. Hell, if there's an explosion by the arrows while they're flying? It can knock them off course. I never really had a problem with the dwarves not being able to hit anything, though sometimes the throws go wide or whatever, but the molotovs will do one of three things when they land: most often they immediately blow up. A bit less often they'll bounce once or twice and then explode. And finally, every so often the molotov will fizzle, presumably the wick went out while in the air. Of course, a fizzled molotov can still explode if there's an explosion close by, say, a dwarf throwing another molotov by it, so be careful, you might be out of range of the first explosion, but the dud molotov can be close enough to your guys to hurt them.
It can be a little tough, I'll agree. There's a lot of it that can be up to chance and those times that your dwarf misses his throw and blows up a couple of your own guys can be a little irritating, but I also think that's part of the fun of the game.
Also, I highly recommend the Black Company books, by Glen Cook. I feel pretty confident that they were a huge influence on the Myth series.