Zjeraar: Very interesting!
Can I reply from tail?
I don't understand this sentence at all:
" So how long will you be peddling the lie before you stop defending your government regarding MH17? "
I would like that real murderers are found out and that they pay for this. Why am I defending the government? I am not defending any government. I am defending principles which are a combination of western and eastern values, such as neutrality, right for speech, right to have different opinion, independence of expression, investigation and defense of the truth.
The russian government was the only government, which officially responded with not being involved, provided resources and cooperation to investigate every single version.
The west media however started outright hysterical accusation ensemble, and by this I also include "official" Ukrainian pseudo-european (maybe whole current Europe media is actually "pseudo") "media". I am observing this since like Chechen war. Somehow when islamists or nationalists kill russians - they are "freedom fighters", but when the very same kill west citizens - they are terrorists. When Russia responds to official Syria request for help - they are aiding the dictator, but when west invades and bombs out an array independent countries on assumptions - its "for freedom".
" inconsistency in the final report by either Bellingcat"
I am not planning to observe or read the Fakecat, I provided the evidence and they have not distanced themselves from their fake.
"Dutch Safety Board."
Already provided. They are ignoring arguments and simulate explosion on the computer program, where Antey investigated all cases and simulates real warheads on real cockpit models.
"which was yet
another theory put forward by the Russian government"
Did west have any other theories except BUK?
"It was only around July 21, 2014, the day of the Russian press conference about the downing of MH17, that an edit war erupted on Wikipedia in which, apparently, "Putinbots" "
Let me tell you huge secret - whole Russian subforum is full of "Putinbots" and has been such even before Putin was born. In fact, your neighbor is a Putinbot. He just does not realize it yet.
"Except, the change was made, as you said, in 2011. Two-and-a-half years before the shootdown. It seems the edit was probably done because from the initiation of the article the amount of meters already didn't correspond with the amount of feet mentioned."
That looks much more logical, yet the 7km have been pinned there since then. The reality, is that 7km is only applicable for classic old Su-25K. Slap a new engine (more specific thrust), add pressure suit and see you higher. The plane is a basic equivalent of Thunderbolt-II.
This book is mentioned Here, page 69(68) - su-25k was last mass produced in 1989 and two in 1996 and is "commercial, K" export version. The russian (and ukrainian) army uses SU-25T and TM, which have 10km+ fight ceiling - page 280(279), and this is data from 1995 and does not include Ukrainian SU modification which is reported to have higher ceiling.