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^ Should learn to stop worrying and love the bomb.
^ Learned to love the bomb.
^ learned that love was the bomb
^ Set off a love-bomb in a crowded city; all men, women, and children fell victim to the effects.
^ Is the often forgotten extra member of the band Love Muffin
^ He's the lead singer of the technicolor metal band, Blaspheming Barf Bunnies.
^ He's the lead triangle player of the avant-garde hardcore band Gagging Giggly Goats.
^ Wrote an article for The Rolling Stones Magazine that had a headline about The Rolling Stones band, but the paragraphs were only about actual rocks rolling downhill.
^ He witnessed HeresMyAccount playing the cowbell (poorly) for the Marvelous Meadow Muffins.
^ is Christopher Walken and did that SNL Skit with "More Cowbell"
^ His hobby is licking the hardened blobs of mystery material on the underside of desks, tables, counters, etc., and trying to guess whether they used to be gum or something else (and, if the former, then what flavor).
^ He chewed all of the gum, and other stuff, and stuck it under the desks.
^ He's living in his own private Idaho.
^ Was going to wrestle Florida Man, until it was revealed that a gator costume was apart of the deal.
^ He's not from the southern United States, although, he uses the U.S. southern informal word for alligator.