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This weekend, we're celebrating the 11th anniversary of GOG.COM's launch. We've been preserving classic games for over a decade now, hand-picking unique modern indies, and sharing all of them DRM-free. Time flies, right?

There's no better way to celebrate this round-plus-one anniversary than with even more games! That's why, together with Anuman Interactive, we're bringing back the classic version of XIII! This unique shooter from 2003 will make you feel like you’re playing a living comic-book, as you chase a gang of conspirators that framed you for murdering the President of the United States. With David Duchovny as the voice of your protagonist, this is a game you simply cannot ignore.

That's not all, as more highly requested games join our DRM-free catalog today! Battle through an onslaught of monsters in DUSK (-25%) with its retro visuals, powerful guns, cross-play multiplayer, and the exclusive THE GOGATORIUM map for the endless mode. Platforming more your style? Explore a fantasy world and crawl through dungeons in procedurally-generated adventure platformer Chasm (-35%). Finally, take a trip to Mars to master your skills and discover the secrets of the Red Planet in two exciting RPG titles - Mars: War Logs (-75%) and The Technomancer (-65%).

We also asked the GOG.COM team what they've been playing recently and picked their brains to learn more about their favorite titles on the platform. Why? To bring back the classic tradition of GOG.COM Staff Picks and provide gamers with great deals on some of our most outstanding and memorable titles. Grab The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition (-70%), Pathfinder: Kingmaker (-50%), Kingdom Come: Deliverance (-50%), Dead Cells (-33%), Stardew Valley (-25%), Hollow Knight (-40%), Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Complete (-75%), Gothic (-75%), Dungeon Keeper 2 (-75%), The Mystery of the Druids (-75%), and many more up to -80%, all hand-picked by our staff!

Discounts for new releases are valid until October 10th, 1 PM UTC and the GOG.COM Staff Picks deals are available until October 7th, 1 PM UTC.

We would also love to know what some of your favorite games are! How many of them are already available on GOG.COM and which ones are you still waiting for?

Drop your lists in the comments or join us over on Twitter with the #My11Games hashtag!
tfishell: Where did you learn this info? Links? Sounds like a rumor.
GOGmixes literally got removed right around the time a certain publisher was getting some negative mixes written about them and there was controversy over it. Initially the mix was deleted. Then, within a very short time frame GOGmixes just went "poof". It was around that time frame that my opinion of GOG went down the drain. The removal of mixes was only one of many reasons.

GameRager: Isn't this a tad hyperbolic? There have been some good moments like new classic game releases, new devs and ip holders coming onboard, etc.
I didn't say 'GOG's CONTENT is getting progressively worse'. Steam gets new content daily.
Post edited October 06, 2019 by GreasyDogMeat
low rated
GameRager: Isn't this a tad hyperbolic? There have been some good moments like new classic game releases, new devs and ip holders coming onboard, etc.
GreasyDogMeat: I didn't say 'GOG's CONTENT is getting progressively worse'. Steam gets new content daily.
My bad....I thought you meant everything about Gog was getting worse with that statement.
low rated
Wishmaster777: 1.) Boycotting the game to be brought on a retailer's website, which prevents everyone from buying it. People who are interested in buying the game have no chance to make the purchase.
teceem: And is DadJoke007 (the person you replied to), or any other person on this forum in a position to prevent a certain release on a certain website?
Sure, if someone in GOG's management were to talk about boycotting a game - then they're really saying Boycotting(!). But is that the case here?
Wishmaster777: 2.) Boycotting the game which is available for sale, which doesn't prevent the interested customers from making a purchase.
teceem: Why is that boycotting? Sounds like "just not buying" to me.
First, focus, man... focus. You are shooting on all sides now. Pick one.
Yes, it is the case here, it is apparent from the rage mob spam they posted in the community wishlist. Don't go with this "Uh dooh, this and that guy are not in position to prevent games from releasing on Gog.", that is not the point there. The point is in the sentiment of the outrage mob, and Gog already had unpleasant experiences when dealing with them via Twitter.
Wishmaster777: Live and let live is an unknown concept to self-righteous pseudo-intellectual moralists. Boycott for a game like this is nothing but infantile and childish attempt at virtue signalling.
teceem: What are you guys trying to say here? Is "boycotting" one game because you thinks it's crap not the same as "I don't buy this game because I don't like it". How is that "boycotting" at all?
I didn't care about splitting hairs, I used and stretched the term that was relevant in the current discussion to make a point. I falsely assumed that it would be obvious in the context.

Edit: I Forgot to edit out Wishmasters777 quote, obviously I didn't direct that in his direction since he read between the lines.
Post edited October 06, 2019 by user deleted
Happy Belated Birthday GOG!

Thank you for the many years of service and good times!
Happy Birthday GOG!
My favorite random find on the store is Pharaoh.

Waiting to see if Skyrim appears. (the older version, that is)

Not been focusing on game stuff recently, so I don't at the moment have nine other games to list. :D
Post edited October 06, 2019 by rareerror
I'll split my 11 up between what's already here and what still needs to be added using store pages and wishlist entries.

Already on GOG:
Thief: The Dark Project
Alan Wake
Ghost Recon
Deus Ex
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Dragon Age: Origins

Not yet on GOG:
Max Payne 3
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Red Dead Redemption

Keep doing what you do GOG. Here's to 11 more years!
I love GOG and what it stands for. So many good old games are already present and available, with too many favorites to mention.

As for the GOG wait-list, to mention few:

01. Freelancer
02. Max Payne 1-2
03. Silent Hill 1-4
04. Metal Gear Solid (action adv)
05. MechCommander / MechWarrior 4
06. No One Lives Forever 1-2
07. American McGee's Alice
08. Heavy Metal FAKK 2
09. Chasm: The Rift
10. Resident Evil 1-3 / Dino Crisis 1-2
11. Comanche 1-2 / F29 Retaliator

Thanks for asking!
Happy Birthday GOG!!

PS: for those who are wishing for StarCraft: Brood War, it is available for free on Blizzard app.
Happy Birthday GOG!
[Peculiar Feature Request]

What if ...

I can buy Gold Old('60 ... '80) Rock Music from GoG?
I have the GoG browser tab always on anyway and I'd be most happy to tune to a playlist (rock music or game soundtrack). I'd gladly kill youtube tab if GoG provides an alternative.
SKYRIM and "Far Cry 3" Both had DRM garbage. So, I just skipped them like so many games.

I have been waiting for 7 years for both games. I WILL NOT buy either until they are DRM free.

I wasted $20 on a game I couldn't use since it required internet access to activate. I had to give it away. Also, they make your computer vulnerable to hackers. I WILL NOT waste more money on DRM-MALWARE.

Thanks to GOG for making games playable and keeping your system secure.
faroot: Well...I *suppose* it's better than the pony you asked for last Christmas...
Just like Santa Claus, you clearly don't know the difference between a pony and an unicorn... I even sent him a drawing, with a big arrow! How could he miss it!? What an old senile buffoon!
I returned the darn thing back to the North Pole with a note for Santa calling his attention to the bunch of idiots he has working for him. I expect him to clean up his act this year and bring me my unicorn *and* a portal gun!
I sent my letter well in advance telling him that, if he fails again, I'll take his fat ass to court and sue him out of existence!
i_ni: [Peculiar Feature Request]

What if ...

I can buy Gold Old('60 ... '80) Rock Music from GoG?
I have the GoG browser tab always on anyway and I'd be most happy to tune to a playlist (rock music or game soundtrack). I'd gladly kill youtube tab if GoG provides an alternative.
Considering how it went for them with the movies, highly doubt they'll try any other kind of media again.
zaMNal: PS: for those who are wishing for StarCraft: Brood War, it is available for free on Blizzard app.
Problem being that last part.
Post edited October 07, 2019 by Cavalary
Happy Birthday GOG! ^_^