In light of the recent evidence regarding scammer alts in the
Huge "GYG" Steam Code Giveaway</span> brought forth by the OP
croxxx which can be found at the following link:
[url= ] [/url]
The following accounts have now been confirmed as scammers alts:
The_Shape Paldain61 swatkat Systematic doronnorod djboy kanyeTune I advise caution against indulging the above listed user accounts in any giveaway threads for folks that want their games to not end up being traded or sold while also in all likelihood ending up in the possession of a single person looking to exploit others and reduce the chances of other people from acquiring a game fairly. The rest who don't care for such matters can safely ignore this info and the thread.
In this case I provided some relevant information to croxxx by citing this thread among a few others and told him to make up his own mind regarding it, he investigated further on his own and came to the conclusion of banning these with supporting evidence indicating an increase in rep without forum subsequent forum activity. This should once again prove the usefulness of such a thread for folks that are interested in ensuring that the games they are giving away end up with people that actually want to play them.