Posted February 23, 2016

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
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Bad Hair Day
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Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
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Durik - Half-Orc
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Court Jester
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted February 24, 2016
Did someone say hippie?
(I didn't fart. That's just natural body odor.)
(I didn't fart. That's just natural body odor.)
Post edited February 24, 2016 by Terrapin2190

Court Jester
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted February 24, 2016

Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they're a drug addict. Some are war veterans, some are just down on luck, some got reamed by the government with no lube. Speaking of being reamed, you sir need to put your head back on your shoulders where it belongs. There's an old saying, not sure where I heard it. "Even monsters weren't born that way." Sure, some people are just junkies, but some are only trying to escape a reality that's too hard for them to face.
Basically, the point I'm trying to convey is that if I was in that situation: Homeless, living in a shelter, constantly looking over my shoulder hoping someone doesn't steal what little I have to call my own... I would hope someone would do the same for me.
Regardless, you're wrong. As with your 'darker side.' You're addicted yourself to scamming people out of things others could enjoy.

"Some are war veterans, some are just down on luck, some got reamed by the government with no lube."
Correct. These people are different in my book compared to drug addicts. I feel the exact opposite concerning these people since it usually isn't their fault.
I'm not stealing from poor people though, i'm sure. You can afford a computer, internet connection AND paying for bundles. Plus, i actually play some of the games i scam but most of them are just crap for my collection i have to admit it.
By the way, how are you liking Death Goat, Imperial Glory and Toro?

The Puzzlemaster
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Bad Hair Day
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Need fresh blood :)
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The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted February 24, 2016
Post edited February 24, 2016 by zeogold

Bad Hair Day
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Need fresh blood :)
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From France

May. 24, 2022
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The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted February 24, 2016

Bad Hair Day
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