Terrapin2190: You don't know me clown. And you have a sick and twisted world perspective. Your actions are justified in
your mind because '
to you' the people here don't exist?
If you listen, you might learn something.
Unlike you, I care a great deal about others whether I know them directly as a friend or simply a passerby. Even the dirty looking man that's probably hooked on drugs and knocks on my window at the gas station asking for change. If he's polite and honest, sure I'll give him a few quarters, a dollar or two even. If he's persistent, rude, coming down from a high, I'll turn him away, roll the window up in his face and roll on. Why? Because life is a learning experience and that's the universe, which we are all a part of, trying to teach him something.
It takes kindness towards others to create a positive day tomorrow. Yes, I get burned from time to time, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. You probably won't read this to the end, and I'll never see my key for Death Goat again, but I care more about people like you with that sort of mindset than losing some game I was never going to play in the first place.
Again, I'm probably wasting my breath, brain cells, calories by moving my fingers as I type this... but it makes me feel good knowing I took a positive action. Hopefully you'll 'be smart' like you said you are and reply with something intelligent.
The corruption in your mind will tear through your soul some day. There's always time to ease that burden.

deepdig: I always read EVERYTHING. You get burned because you're naive. So you're telling me you actually consider giving money to drug addicts? So they can keep on using drugs? I have no pity for that kind of people, they put themselves in that situation and that's just an example. You have to stop thinking like that or else people won't stop taking advantage of you. Sure it's good to help others but that kind of people? Never.
Believe it or not i like helping people in REAL LIFE (Yeah, i don't care if you believe it or not). GOG just let's me unleash my darker side :)
I'm talking about helping people in real life and not on a virtual community like GOG. That's not real life to me (unfortunately most people here have a different opinion). I'll just keep on taking advantage of everyone HERE like i've been doing since 2011 because YOU trust strangers and those stupid numbers they call "rep" here. I was about to scam 3 more people but the mods blocked my account. You can thank them for that.. HOWEVER.. I still have the names of those people so i can have some fun in the near future :)
"It takes kindness towards others to create a positive day tomorrow"
I agree. You have to use your brain though.
Most people just don't care after they get what they want :)
It's the internet, not some Alice in Wonderland fantasy land that doesn't actually exist :D You're so full of yourself, I'm surprised your body can contain such an ego. You're still stealing money and items from (mostly) decent people that do in fact exist. I must say I am surprised that you gave a thoughtful reply. Most people like you (since you like putting people in groups) would not do that. I also agree with your last statement.
Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they're a drug addict. Some are war veterans, some are just down on luck, some got reamed by the government with no lube. Speaking of being reamed, you sir need to put your head back on your shoulders where it belongs. There's an old saying, not sure where I heard it. "Even monsters weren't born that way." Sure, some people are just junkies, but some are only trying to escape a reality that's too hard for them to face.
Basically, the point I'm trying to convey is that if I was in that situation: Homeless, living in a shelter, constantly looking over my shoulder hoping someone doesn't steal what little I have to call my own... I would hope someone would do the same for me.
Regardless, you're wrong. As with your 'darker side.' You're addicted yourself to scamming people out of things others could enjoy.