Terrapin2190: This may have been addressed prior to my thinking of it just now, but there is also no profile system (afaik. I haven't really checked) here in GOG forums. Also, no links in the chat system to view user's aforementioned profiles or posts that user has created in order to identify rep status and potential alternate accounts.
I love GOG and I'm sure there is no need to place blame on anyone with GOG staff, because the website looks great and has many fantastic features. Rome wasn't built in a day and there are many, many... many details that go into coding and scripting while creating a fancy website like this. Not to mention everything else that goes on behind the scenes that many of us (me included) don't know about. Pricing, legal workings, staff/project management, etc etc.
I will say some features could use improvement, as is true with just about anything, but I'd like to be clear when I say I don't think it's anyone's fault in particular.
I also think scamming someone for giveaway games is one thing, but scamming someone out of games someone plans to trade, which they bought with their own money is straight grimy. Scandalous. Sketchy a.f.
But I'm more interested in observing potential improvements to the site. Positivity over negativity.
LaithArkham: As I mentioned in the trading thread, I got a reply for a trade from a "jesusburt0n" account who appears to be impersonating
this jesusburton. (Same fallout avatar and such.) Seems like a scammer to me, and I didn't find the name on the scammer list here or on the wiki.
Terrapin2190: I believe Impaier26 (the person that scammed me) has been banned. In the case that your jesusburt0n has been banned, there may be no need to put his/her name on the scammer list. As long as they permanently banned the account, there's no way for another person to use that same name while trying to create a new account.
Modding forums can be quite interesting. :)
I'd like to keep track of all the alts that have been used if i were you (someone that was scammed) even if they were banned. Just your friendly neighbourhood wakalo talking here .. :)