mrmarioanonym: Just got this PM from alt-demasker:
how bout this trade
more users added = less rep for you ?
sounds ok fucko?
2 stars pig in no time
suck my dick by the way
"shemale porn link deleted as to not upset the blues"
hope you like it!
Is this guy crazy or what?
PS: soappzo, I know i'm not anonymous and if i were to make a new account (and why would I), i surely would choose a better name. If you really are genuine, then I suggest you be nicer.
And go and downvote me if you like, alt-demasker. I don't care. It's not important. What do I care about some statistic on a video game forum? I have actual problems in life that are worth tending to. Not this childish crap.
Probably a 12 year old with too much time on his hands.