Posted October 25, 2014

Registered: Dec 2012
From Italy

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted October 25, 2014
What happened to his posts? Mod intervention?

Registered: Dec 2012
From Italy

Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted October 25, 2014
high rated
report his aliases, report his scams but don't talk to him please on here. he's seeking attention. he doesn't deserve it.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal

Registered: Jun 2013
From Spain

Not Deus Ex
Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted October 25, 2014
This gave me a good chuckle x)
What a dumbass.
What a dumbass.

Registered: Jun 2013
From Spain
Posted October 25, 2014

And this is his steam account, not sure if he would go so far as to create a fake account that matches his country (Spain) and with some games/level on it (but 3 friends? uhm...)
Yes, I have few friends (one is from this forum), one from Spain (its a friend in real life) and the other is someone that I known in Steam.
Yes, I have poor social habilities.
Sorry for that.

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted October 25, 2014

Yes, I have few friends (one is from this forum), one from Spain (its a friend in real life) and the other is someone that I known in Steam.
Yes, I have poor social habilities.
Sorry for that.
Btw, your low rep didn't come from that post from DeepQuickHunter, that post was made after you had the low rep (i noticed that).

Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted October 25, 2014
get what i'm implying?
get what i'm implying?

Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted October 25, 2014
hm, can't wait for doctor who.
Post edited October 25, 2014 by mrmarioanonym

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Israel
Posted October 25, 2014

And this is his steam account, not sure if he would go so far as to create a fake account that matches his country (Spain) and with some games/level on it (but 3 friends? uhm...)
For what's it worth I don't think he is here to scum anyone and I up vote him when I see as I want to give him a chance.

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted October 25, 2014
I already adress that in my previous post.

Fuck China, Israel, Russia and Cancer.
Registered: Aug 2011
From Chile
Posted October 25, 2014
Funny, that justaquickie wrote this but it was deleted immediately while posting my reply (:P): I copied that before posting it (GOG always had a bad history of messages not posted or PMs never sent for me, so I always do the copy [CONTROL]+[C] to all my messages):
Keep downrepping me and i'll keep scamming people. Pure and simple. Your choice
Since when you cared about REP? You always lose it —like everyone else— when they do something "not nice" in the forums. And to be honest, you have done terrible things here for years. Stop doing that and you'll get your precious REP back...
Keep downrepping me and i'll keep scamming people. Pure and simple. Your choice
Since when you cared about REP? You always lose it —like everyone else— when they do something "not nice" in the forums. And to be honest, you have done terrible things here for years. Stop doing that and you'll get your precious REP back...
Post edited October 25, 2014 by Azrael360