"i was and i really appreciate it though unfortunately i already have it.
i noticed there was only 1 hour left on the bundle so thinking i would run out on it i pmed momo to ask if i could just borrow the $1 dollar for the bundle.
my paypal account got hacked and 400 euro transferred so that's why i removed my bankaccount from it and not have any funds in it currently (also no job) hence why i couldnt pay it myself."
1/ How you did plan to pay her back out of curiosity? Hopefully Momo can clarify your communication(which I know she has done elsewhere other times) and I asked her permission before mentioning her here. I confirmed that you hassled her out(see point 4 below)
2/ That was the first contact you had with me and this is the same story with many other naive and generous people -
see Spinorial's post 3/ Your above reason for not being able to purchase anything in that moment with a time frame ticking is belied by your past behaviour. Your reply to me says that you'd buy stuff but you don't appear to EVER. Your reply stated you had money in an account but had no means to purchase. At the same time you were doing the same thing of leeching continuously(but you had money in your account - do you want me to post all the links that I've got for that during that time period?).
Your Steam account has 483+ games and you have not made a single purchase directly(or boxed copy) as by your own admission to me via PM:
"Let me tell you one person can not even trade cards (or tf2 items :/ which i enjoy) unless they bought something with real money first on steam.
Though maybe it works when someone actually bought a gift from the store rather then a bundle, i have not even bothered to look.
Yes offcourse i have tried to look into selling too, but i am not stealing/ninjaing games just for that, i do buy games from tremor with cards in mind but that would be my own business. Just to get more card drops you need to be a higher level that alone cost a fortune to complete sets, and why i bought a few on tremor also." and
"But that actually requires you to have bought a physical box in the last 10 years.
I have bought games even on gog and gifted some, when i had a job.
The first game on steam i seemed to have had was audiosurf from 6 years ago, which i thought i bought directly from the audiosurf site (there werent even bundles back then), but just checked and the market atleast is still locked for me. "
In your 6 years on Steam you have only been able to purchase a single game and not directly through Steam? You haven't been able to afford a boxed game in 10 years?
4/ You were banned from posting on GOG during this period but hassled out people via PM and Thespian has been your #1 ally with this help. I have quite a chat history with both of you and the pieces started falling into place. It was my choice to be generous but I have learned my lesson.
5/ I was sincere with everything I wrote to you via PM. I lost my temper and got upset and posted before reading your offer to supply evidence. For the reason I believe that evidence is irrelevant, see point 3. You doubt that sincerity because you can't comprehend how I can feel sympathy for another and yet at the same time judge their behaviour as "wrong" (always subjective). All of this would have stayed in PM had your own words not tripped you up once again. I wanted to give you some advice on why you were viewed by others to see if you understood the concept of owning one's mistakes and can see one's own part in a problem. Clearly you can not. Everyone else is out to get you and is to blame. It is amazing how many of the most generous and caring people on GOG feel that way about you.
6/ Please stop contacting me and doing exactly what you have done to Momo. To block me, unblock for a moment and then reblock so I can't reply and nor can I block you when you have blocked me but you can remove it anytime is bullshit. See
my forum feature request. GOG might not ban you or remove your rep or do anything but you have blown it with a lot of people in this community and anyone who gives you anything ever again is a fool.