dtgreene: Let's consider a similar hypothetical situation, but over a different subject.
Suppose that a certain game has a villain, who turns out to be the final boss, and who happens to be black. Further, suppose the game has about as much dialog as Super Mario Bros. 1 (that is, not much). You play the game, have a lot of fun doing so, kill the final boss, and the game gives you the message "Congratulations! You killed the [n-word]!", only with that n-word (a racial sulr) spelled out. How would you feel about that?
tremere110: Not really all that similar though. In your example racism is portayed as positive from the protagonist perspective. A better comparison would be the main character being black and the final boss being a white guy saying "Time to die n*****!"
It would seem out of place but nothing particularly offensive as your objective is to actually kill the racist. Some might have a problem with it still.
I thought it would be simply about that, which would have been a completely silly criticism (bad guys being evil, if you don't show them being evil, how could they be bad guys, and how would our fictions -as they traditionally do- explicit our good/bad values ?).
But in this game, there's the gooey hypocrisy of the hero being basically the same as the bad guy : he's rewarded by having a harem fantasy fulfilled, without the guilt. It's a caricatural expression of a very commonplace cliché : baddie wrongfully owns slave, good guy saves slave, good guy rightfully owns slave (by slave's own accord : the gratitude-love-worship of the damsel or of the native, etc). It's a fantasy that stinks a bit of mixed feelings towards the bad guy's commodification of humans. But again, 98% of action stories are based on this.
I'm not even sure the author of the article pinpoints this very well (there's just a sentence evoking it). But yeah, it's just a roll-eye-worthy detail of the game (have fun with Unepic's humour, heh), snowballing into an article and reactions to the article and all that.
Still, in my eyes, it's always fun to consider the implications of all these tales. For grins and shrugs more than autos-da-fé.
SirPrimalform: I have not seen the game in question and will not comment directly on it. However I agree with the sentiment in general that rape is not something to deal with lightly in any medium.
https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/08/11/the-sixth-slave https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/08/13/breaking-it-down