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tinyE: Turns out it does violate the User Agreement.

I doubt it will do any good but GOG has been notified.

Feel free to blame my actions on the liberal Zionist run media. :P
Emob78: E, sometimes the things you say are hilarious, sometimes even inspirational.

And sometimes diarrhea pours out of your mouth like a leaking sieve. When you graduate from thought police academy, please send me a picture of all your shiny new medals.
Yeah, it's disgusting that someone would want the few rules of a service you signed up for of your own free will and are just as free to not use if you don't like it to actually be enforced. After all, having this place remain a safe haven for slander, slurs and spam is in our best interest :P
Yeah, how dare they trample on our FREEDOM to turn a once-decent forum into a pit of slander, slurs and spam!
low rated
Emob78: E, sometimes the things you say are hilarious, sometimes even inspirational.

And sometimes diarrhea pours out of your mouth like a leaking sieve. When you graduate from thought police academy, please send me a picture of all your shiny new medals.
Breja: Yeah, it's disgusting that someone would want the few rules of a service you signed up for of your own free will and are just as free to not use if you don't like it to actually be enforced. After all, having this place remain a safe haven for slander, slurs and spam is in our best interest :P
My god, teh irony is OVER 9000!!! lol

rampancy: Yeah, how dare they trample on our FREEDOM to turn a once-decent forum into a pit of slander, slurs and spam!
Yeah, cuz censorship is SO much nicer than slander and slurs, right? lol
Post edited October 11, 2016 by richlind33
Breja: However, you may be interested in knowing that not supporting a particular party or parties is not the same as being apolitical.

-activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government

-the work or job of people (such as elected officials) who are part of a government

-the opinions that someone has about what should be done by governments : a person's political thoughts and opinions

I'd say this is very much about politics. Please, try and an only use words you understand. In your case that would mean staying silent.
I've seen an "apolitical candidates list" run for city hall in my town during last year's election.
"Vote for us because we don't do politics". I... don't think those guys knew what the word means. Or maybe they disliked the words "independent candidate" for some weird reason.
Politics is not an ugly word. It simply indicates you take interest in how public affairs are run, which should be a good thing in any democracy.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by Kardwill
I was bored, so I read this thread and the other tin foily thread and while I had a good laugh, I seriously think OP has a serious brain disorder. I don't mean it derogatory.

This stuff is alarming, to give just some examples:
- The inability to pay attention (e.g. "I thought there was mention of some assassination somewhere. Hmm.. moving on.")
- Turning his life over because he found the truth, actually spending several hours a day digging into this stuff (e.g. "After listening for a week I was convinced it's important enough to stop playing as many games, and concentrate on the immediate future" or " Still I think this takes priority over doing reviews, at least for a while.")
- Constant apologizing for his lack of skills, while he demonstrates that the only skills he claims to have (IT stuff) are mostly hot air or plain wrong (see discussions about ICANN and file sizes)

To me, OP sounds like someone who is losing grasp of reality. Actually I know two guys who, after I knew them for years, became just like that in a relatively short time. One was diagnosed with schizophrenia and gets some serious treatment and the other one just vanished, because he was too far out and had no family to get him medical help.
Both began to act crazy when they started to smoke lots of weed on a daily basis.*

So it all boils down to a single question: Do you smoke weed, OP?

*Disclaimer: I don't think weed makes you crazy, but I think it triggers one's predisposition.
Ashnak: ... To me, OP sounds like someone who is losing grasp of reality. ...
Maybe some form of paranoia? Surely there are quite a number of untreated cases out there and sooner or later you'll meet a case in real life or on the internet. The question is what to do then? Politely point out some of the flaws in the logic and the possibility of a medical treatment, otherwise leaving him/her alone? Or a troll feast? Or calling the ambulance immediately? I don't know.
Ashnak: I was bored, so I read this thread and the other tin foily thread and while I had a good laugh, I seriously think OP has a serious brain disorder. I don't mean it derogatory.

This stuff is alarming, to give just some examples:
- The inability to pay attention (e.g. "I thought there was mention of some assassination somewhere. Hmm.. moving on.")
- Turning his life over because he found the truth, actually spending several hours a day digging into this stuff (e.g. "After listening for a week I was convinced it's important enough to stop playing as many games, and concentrate on the immediate future" or " Still I think this takes priority over doing reviews, at least for a while.")
- Constant apologizing for his lack of skills, while he demonstrates that the only skills he claims to have (IT stuff) are mostly hot air or plain wrong (see discussions about ICANN and file sizes)

To me, OP sounds like someone who is losing grasp of reality. Actually I know two guys who, after I knew them for years, became just like that in a relatively short time. One was diagnosed with schizophrenia and gets some serious treatment and the other one just vanished, because he was too far out and had no family to get him medical help.
Both began to act crazy when they started to smoke lots of weed on a daily basis.*

So it all boils down to a single question: Do you smoke weed, OP?

*Disclaimer: I don't think weed makes you crazy, but I think it triggers one's predisposition.
When I was in high school and college I smoked constantly. The only "fantastical/delusional" thing that ever happened was that I swore I could hear bags of Doritos calling me to come eat them.
I honestly think that conspiracy theorism in its own right has unfairly got a bit of a bad rep in recent years, no doubt because of the way that the term has been co-opted by the far-left (extreme environmentalists, armchair communists, Syriza, Bolivarism) and far-right (neonazis and other far-right nutjobs like Trump, as well as most supporters of far-right parties like UKIP, Front National, AfD, Jobbik, Law & Order, United Russia etc.)

Healthy conspiracy theorism takes something that appears to be a fact, develops a theory is developed around this fact - usually a conspiracy of some kind, hence the name - and then conducts active, unbiased research to try and prove or disprove that theory. And yes, this is how some of the best conspiracy theories out there have been proven. Bernstein & Woodward's relentless pursuit of the Watergate scandal is among the best of them.

But unfortunately, what passes as "conspiracy theorism" today is nothing of the sort.

Firstly, especially among non-professional investigators, conspiracy theorism has a knack of turning sour when the "evidence" they procure turns out to be falsified or misinterpreted. They develop entire unfounded theories in a bid to try and discredit the discreditors, getting themselves tied up in a web of psychoses and delusions in a desperate bid to try and keep their sense of self-importance alive.

Secondly, and somewhat more disturbingly, extreme political and religious movements, many of which are online-based, actively engage in misinformation on an industrial scale to move people towards their points of view. The "conspiracy theories" that arise as a result of this aren't based on a single misinterpreted fact, but rather by deliberately false information designed specifically to foster these theories.

It's basically sub-conscious manipulation. The reason that extreme political and religious movements have become so prominent is because they can easily disseminate their filth without checks or controls. They know that what they distribute will eventually be disproven, but their aim is not to have their disinformation accepted, but rather to sow the seeds of doubt and discontent, usually by associating the recipient of the propaganda with superiority. Far-right European movements associate anti-Muslim, anti-semitic and anti-immigrant rhetoric with the supposed greatness of being white and European. Fundamentalist Islamist movements associated anti-Western, anti-Christian, anti-Atheist rhetoric with a sense of being "chosen by God" and being part of a big, "chosen" family. Extreme environmentalism associates anti-capitalist, pro-vegan messages with a sense of an exclusive closeness to nature that few others can understand.

Not all people who forward this rubbish are perpetrators. Some are apolitical victims. Their emotions and sensibilities are being played and manipulated so that they might eventually become active perpetrators. I don't know what rtcvb32 is - perpetrator or unwilling participant - but he/she needs to get his/her head of his/her arse, wake up and realise that they're being played like a fiddle.

I think when the internet first became a "thing", people were so excited about the possibility of information being allowed to flow freely that they forgot that disinformation could flow just as freely - and it has, meanwhile on an industrial scale. It was a very naive thought to believe that people would be wise or discerning enough to filter facts from lies, be objectively critical, and not let their own prejudice and sense of self-importance distort their own perception of reality. The far left were the first to catch onto this, the far right have recently followed on.

Social media like Facebook and Twitter and media sharing sites like YouTube are really the underlying enablers for the way the world has turned to shit in recent years. I find YouTube massively entertaining on occasion, and Facebook/Twitter do have their moments, but if all of these sites were to be shut down on a dime, the world would become such a better place.

I don't like censorship or information control, but at the same time, I don't like the way that everyone's been given a free soapbox, because there are masses of people out there who shouldn't have one.
low rated
rtcvb32: Election fraud is usually done by having poor people go into election poles over and over again with a different identity.
OneFiercePuppy: How do you feel about the Washington Post? Too left-leaning? I'll offer this link because it came up first, It's research done by a law professor at Loyola Law School, indicating an allegation of about 44 cases of fraud per 3 billion votes. A little under 1 case per 68 million. The rhetoric of voter fraud by impersonation is entirely baseless.
How about repeated voting at different stations, including given ID's that they aren't required to even prove who they are?
rtcvb32: .
25 pages already, look at you!
low rated
jamyskis: I don't like censorship or information control, but at the same time, I don't like the way that everyone's been given a free soapbox, because there are masses of people out there who shouldn't have one.
Sure you don't like censorship -- so much so that you contradict yourself in the very same sentence. o.O

Do yourself a favor and skip the lip service. Better a fascist than a fascist hypocrite.
low rated
Ashnak: I was bored, so I read this thread and the other tin foily thread and while I had a good laugh, I seriously think OP has a serious brain disorder. I don't mean it derogatory.
I'm certain I have Asperger's syndrome, among other issues.

Ashnak: To me, OP sounds like someone who is losing grasp of reality. <snip>

So it all boils down to a single question: Do you smoke weed, OP?
No, I don't take drugs.

However... My sister and mom have recommended I do try weed, as perhaps then my brain would stop being constantly busy for 15 minutes and maybe it would help me. I might try it perhaps moreso to deal with shoulder pain (military related injury) than to get high; Although I'm more interesting in Kratom.

But more seriously.

As I've said before, things don't add up, and when they don't add up you start looking for answers. If nothing was wrong and everything was flowers, sunshine and rainbows and unicorns, then there wouldn't be these inconsistencies. Questions have been coming up for years and years that haven't been answered, but been corked down and hidden. I'm certain what we're seeing, is all those question, concerns, and everything that used to be under the umbrella of a single source can't be hidden as they grow in frequency and strength. I would love to make a conspiracy theory and then have a discussion and break down how it's silly; However everything is pointing to the same things, the same road, the same discussions, etc. there's multiple instances of authorities debunking something, only to do it 2 months later.

If I'm wrong I'm wrong; I'll gravitate towards what is closest to the truth, regardless if the truth is unpopular.
There it goes again!
rtcvb32: If I'm wrong I'm wrong; I'll gravitate towards what is closest to the truth, regardless if the truth is unpopular.
Actually, as we've already seen time and time again, if you're wrong you'll just ignore it, pretend you're right, and keep on posting.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by Breja
low rated
Today: 11 Oct 2016 - 27 days
First hour - Information Overload. Conspire to produce '<i>Unaware and compliant citizenry</i>'. Wikileaks puts out 1,100 emails in third data dump. Expect daily future dumps. Hillary hates '<i>everyday americans</i>'. Feudalism. They will be nice, then suddenly snap 0 to 100. aide says Chelsea a 'spoiled brat', The Quantum Group, Spectre, Flouride Holdren '<i>to make them calm and servile</i>'. Qatar &amp; Saudi Arabia funding ISIS. Hillary with veto power on quotes. Rigged debate/hall questions. DOJ coordinated email releases. ObamaCare and companies getting waivers to avoid it, Clinton Campaign, Brock and Super PAC, edited tapes/conversations, the perception. We're wrong 2%-3% of the time. StopRape. Party Driven.
Second hour - Joy calling rape victims '<i>tramps</i>'. Clinton giving directives to State Dept, DOJ, and , [url=]intervension for protester. 'look for, look for, look for...', CNN says it's a '<i>conspiracy</i>' of Bill's rapes, Fake/Fradulent ID's, multiple voting by the bus load. 'Black Lives Matter' unless you're Danny Williams ( [url=]tw). More Tomorrow.
Third Hour - Trump's run '<i>evil miracle</i>'. 10 years ago, someone voted in my name. 200 vs 40,000. Callers: Assange & Wikileaks, voter fraud, Electoral college, Go early to polls get videos of vote stuffing. Seeing trump 'lowering the facade', verification process for votes. Bailout the people. headlines: Ship attacked off Yemen, US/UK participate in saudi war crimes, Closer to war with Russia, No mention of ISIS genocide on Christians, how does transgender help the military?. Rigged polls, Trump voters to wear red? Obvious way to show ratio. Wikileaks and gandi's statue and 1982 movie, penpals with Hitler. Secret service bans cameras with flash. Democrats are like the plantation managers (with slaves). DNA tests.
Fourth Hour - Debate: Secondary microphones, banners, 15 minutes of research. Chelsea with concerns of conflicts, Hillary invited to Putin's inner sanctum, Lockerroom talk and double standards. To produce an Unaware and compliant citizenry. Interviewing supporters, won't answer questions or give proper examples of cases. Camera Flashes, 'seizure disorder'. CNN coaching. Millie's Supporters Clinton/Trump. Army Rangers: Lockerroom talk & 50 shades of gray, Billy bush suspended. Two Wars book and events. 'Everyday Americans', Indoctrination for the army, but not out again. No excuse and double standard for classified documents handling. The Constitution, read it if you haven't yet.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)


other links:
Stefan Molyneux Steve Quayle National Public Radio
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32