richlind33: So it's my fault that you can't quite manage to say what you mean, and I'm just being a terminology nazi? o.O
No, it is your fault that what you say makes very little sense, and you seem to think terminology is somehow more important than the ideas it represents. May wanna work on that one....
richlind33: Generally speaking, my not-quite-brilliant friend, conclusions are something that are made in conclusion, whereas assumptions are a starting point, and that's a rather important distinction if you aspire to be something more than a dunce. ;p
There, you proved my point again. Nice! I can just easily cut n paste now:
"Funny, its always the small-minded types who like to focus on things like terminology over concepts."
Well man, you clearly don't have much to offer to the discussion here other than playing your little word games, so apologies in advance if I start to ignore you. I mean this was fun for a min, but these pointless exhanges get old fast for me. I'm guessing its not the same for you, so go ahead and post more nonsensical ramblings....