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richlind33: You're really very similar to Jones: he utilizes hyperbole and exaggeration, and so do you.

The problem here is his world view clashes with your world view, and while yours may be closer to reality than his is, it's far from being perfectly objective.

Jones, in truth, is preferable to the mainstream media outlets because he is very blatant when it comes to sensationalism and self-promotion; the MSM, on the other hand, is considerably less obvious.
zeogold: I...don't get how that makes it better. You openly admit that Jones has a viewpoint far from reality, he hikes it up with sensationalism and self-promotion, and he's still somehow better? Being open about craziness doesn't somehow make something less crazy. That's like a serial killer being open about the fact he murders people. Yeah, sure, that's noble and all, but he's still killing people.
Even if you want to assume that Jones is more accurate than mainstream media despite his lies or inaccuracies, then why not use a different media source that ISN'T mainstream media but also isn't as bonkers as Jones is?
What I'm getting at is subtlety is much more effective than that which is crude and obvious.

Jones targets a demographic that is predisposed to his brand of "news", but you can't blame him for the fact that people in general are sorely lacking when it comes to critical thinking -- and *that's* the real problem.
Post edited March 18, 2017 by richlind33
low rated
London Terrorist attack on the 22nd

Suspect shot by cops after leaving 40 injured, many (29) 'catastrophically', and 4 dead.

A truck left the road to run over pedestrians, after the truck crashed and stopped he got out with a pair of 8" knifes and attacked a cop, eventually got shot down. MSM and other sources citing this as a 'firearm incident'.

Cited as of 'Asian decent' but images of him suggest an Arab. Suspect originally named as Abu Izzadeen but is to remain in prison til 2018. Identified on the 23rd by Scotland Yard as Khalid Masood whom had convictions for assaults, GBH, possession of weapons and public disorder before, his history covering 1983-2003.

London Mayer says terror attacks are normal and part of living in a major city. I call BS.

Let's not forget ISIS encourages using trucks and knife attacks.

Terror in London: Special edition - updates on the event. Viewer discretion is advised.

edit: By request the poem has been removed, not being directly relevant to the news.

edit2: Attacker identified as Khalid Masood. Updated Injured from 29 to 40, and 4 dead.
Post edited March 23, 2017 by rtcvb32
low rated
Tucker Carlson & Nigel Farage, and other related clips on the London Terrorist attack.

Sargon of Akkad with his comments, plus on Truck/vehicle attacks.
Post edited March 23, 2017 by rtcvb32
Y'all know the drill by now. Time to change those facebook avatars again! Maybe come up with a catchy hashtag or two, that'll show those pesky terrorists!

Our glorious European leaders are also doing their part and have already condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms. Here's what Jean-Claude Juncker had to say.
low rated
Thank you for keeping me informed, RT.
low rated
rtcvb32: London Terrorist attack on the 22nd

Suspect shot by cops after leaving 40 injured, many (29) 'catastrophically', and 4 dead.

A truck left the road to run over pedestrians, after the truck crashed and stopped he got out with a pair of 8" knifes and attacked a cop, eventually got shot down. MSM and other sources citing this as a 'firearm incident'.

Cited as of 'Asian decent' but images of him suggest an Arab. Suspect originally named as Abu Izzadeen but is to remain in prison til 2018. Identified on the 23rd by Scotland Yard as Khalid Masood whom had convictions for assaults, GBH, possession of weapons and public disorder before, his history covering 1983-2003.

London Mayer says terror attacks are normal and part of living in a major city. I call BS.

Let's not forget ISIS encourages using trucks and knife attacks.

Terror in London: Special edition - updates on the event. Viewer discretion is advised.

edit: By request the poem has been removed, not being directly relevant to the news.

edit2: Attacker identified as Khalid Masood. Updated Injured from 29 to 40, and 4 dead.
So is it bots, or just really angry and stupid people that caused this post to get low rated?

Facts, run away from facts, my feelings are hurt!

Keep posting rtcvb32
Once again I have asked Fables to look into rtcvb32's continual spam.
low rated
lazydog: Once again I have asked Fables to look into rtcvb32's continual spam.
I do hope you'll get more results than others, including myself, did so far, but somehow I doubt it. Apparently the rules need some kind of addendum that one can actually freely post spam and lies as long as he acts entitled to GOG forum being his personal blog.
lazydog: Once again I have asked Fables to look into rtcvb32's continual spam.
How exactly is it spam?
lazydog: Once again I have asked Fables to look into rtcvb32's continual spam.
Breja: I do hope you'll get more results than others, including myself, did so far, but somehow I doubt it. Apparently the rules need some kind of addendum that one can actually freely post spam and lies as long as he acts entitled to GOG forum being his personal blog.
Let us hope so. However, If Fables gets enough complaints every time rtcvb32 deems it fit to use this thread as a link drop then there is a serious question to be raised- namely are forum rules being broken.
lazydog: Once again I have asked Fables to look into rtcvb32's continual spam.
Kleetus: How exactly is it spam?
Kleetus, we have had this discussion before and are clearly not moving forward.

Let us try another approach, how exactly is it not spam?
Post edited March 23, 2017 by lazydog
lazydog: However, If Fables gets enough complaints every time rtcvb32 deems it fit to use this thread as a link drop then there is a serious question to be raised- namely are forum rules being broken.
No, it simply means like minded people get together and complain on mass.

lazydog: Let us try another approach, how exactly is it not spam?
You're the one saying it's spam, I'm simply asking you why you think that?
Post edited March 23, 2017 by Kleetus
low rated
lazydog: However, If Fables gets enough complaints every time rtcvb32 deems it fit to use this thread as a link drop then there is a serious question to be raised- namely are forum rules being broken.
Kleetus: No, it simply means like minded people get together and complain on mass.

lazydog: Let us try another approach, how exactly is it not spam?
Kleetus: You're the one saying it's spam, I'm simply asking you why you think that?
rtcvb32's attacker's should be reported again.
lazydog: However, If Fables gets enough complaints every time rtcvb32 deems it fit to use this thread as a link drop then there is a serious question to be raised- namely are forum rules being broken.
Kleetus: No, it simply means like minded people get together and complain on mass.

lazydog: Let us try another approach, how exactly is it not spam?
Kleetus: You're the one saying it's spam, I'm simply asking you why you think that?
Look again at rtcvb32's recent post about the London incident. Take a note of the date and the subject matter.

Now look again at the first original post rtcvb32 made and most importantly take a note of the date and the subject matter.

For the sake of argument, forget about whatever random "facts" rtcvb32 dropped links to in-between these dates.

Now deny this: rtcvb32 has been spamming this forum for months and off topic to boot.

What is your response to that Kleetus?
lazydog: Now deny this: rtcvb32 has been spamming this forum for months and off topic to boot.
Fables has already stated that General Discussion is for off topic stuff, so he is doing nothing wrong.

And posting the same thing? There are other threads, a "let's play" where only one person posts, and this goes on for pages and pages and months and months.

Yet nobody seems to have a problem with that.

Anyway, if you don't like the thread, ignore it instead of armchair moderation.

Why is that so hard for you?
Kleetus: How exactly is it spam?
lazydog: Kleetus, we have had this discussion before and are clearly not moving forward.

Let us try another approach, how exactly is it not spam?
It's not fake, since this has happened (as far as I've seen heard and investigated)

It's not linked to a phishing site, malware, porn, any type of scam, and provides no form of monetary gains for me,

It's not canned ham.

So.... I'll repeat his question. How IS it spam? How it is it false, uninformative, or misleading? Simply because i'm posting here for months does not make it spam.