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high rated
MaGo72: *numbers used without rhyme or reason*
The only legible parts of your gibberish are the insensible insinuations. "So you think" that the Syrian people should all have just gone back to business as usual after March 6th, 2011? "You realize" how Bashar Al-Asshat started this whole thing? "You realize" that the religious extremism of the Daesch and several other factions could only have bred in the oppressive and violent climate that Asshat has personally created? "You realize" that the dictator's war against his own people (and, of course, the Kurds) will not end when the country is under his control again?

No? Well then, I can put it in terms you definitely understand. Because "you realize" that we will keep all refugees with us by law as long as Asshat remains on his throne. Which is the only good thing, really. No way the German government is declaring Syria a secure state with Asshat in the lead. Not with that track record. :)
low rated
MaGo72: *numbers used without rhyme or reason*
Vainamoinen: The only legible parts of your gibberish are the insensible insinuations. "So you think" that the Syrian people should all have just gone back to business as usual after March 6th, 2011? "You realize" how Bashar Al-Asshat started this whole thing? "You realize" that the religious extremism of the Daesch and several other factions could only have bred in the oppressive and violent climate that Asshat has personally created? "You realize" that the dictator's war against his own people (and, of course, the Kurds) will not end when the country is under his control again?

No? Well then, I can put it in terms you definitely understand. Because "you realize" that we will keep all refugees with us by law as long as Asshat remains on his throne. Which is the only good thing, really. No way the German government is declaring Syria a secure state with Asshat in the lead. Not with that track record. :)

Gibberish and insensible insinuations, now I know again why I ignore you most of the time.



Anderson 2


But when insults are thrown I guess it is time to go back to 1.
Post edited December 20, 2016 by MaGo72
MaGo72: (snip)
Zjeraar: I'm not sure why you want to lure me into a discussion about something I'm not arguing for or against. My point here is that this Canadian reporter made some pretty bold claims that turned out be untrue.

Considering how her observations were made out to be something big in the Syria debate on here (and common news agencies dragged through the dirt), I felt the need to interject. And to my knowledge the article on Snopes seems to be uncontested so far.
Well to be honest, neither you nor I can prove that what anybody is saying or writing about what is happening on the ground in Syria is true. My point is that in war both sides engage in propaganda for obvious reasons. In fact we can' prove or fact check almost nothing, since we always use sources "which we trust" to prove our claim or perspective.

I may have another opinion about the civil war in Syria based on my sources (although I guess you can no longer call it a civil war) than you, but we can still point out the news and reports we find. And perhaps you change my viewpoint or I change yours a bit. Without attacking each other with insults.

And the fact that millions died in the middle east in the last 15 years to "bring peace, democracy, freddom and fight terror" which in every case brought only ashes and more deaths and bloodshed after the end of each war makes me suspicious. As do the books I read about dictaitorships in South America, the books I read about nuclear weapons and the cold war, it just seems like a playbook which is used to achieve goals. Back then the backed dictators where valiant fighters against the threat of the USSR and evil socialist/communist groups or countries on the "fringe" of being swallowed by the communists. Now the dictators are suddenly evils which stand in the way of freedom and democracy(which they are, no discussion about that, but who put them into placein the first place).
Post edited December 20, 2016 by MaGo72
low rated
MaGo72: *numbers used without rhyme or reason*
Vainamoinen: The only legible parts of your gibberish are the insensible insinuations. "So you think" that the Syrian people should all have just gone back to business as usual after March 6th, 2011? "You realize" how Bashar Al-Asshat started this whole thing? ",
Sorry, but your understanding of the conflict seems pretty childish to me. It's not the Syrian people against Assad's doubt Assad runs a brutal dictatorship, but it's clear that a very significant part of Syria's population has backed the regime throughout the conflict...they may have no great love for Assad, but regard the alternatives as worse. Syria's minorities are afraid, probably with very good reason, that they'll be exterminated or expelled if an illiberal Sunni majority gets to power, and even quite a few Sunnis seem to regard Assad's regime as the lesser evil. The opposition has been dominated by Islamists for years. And it was always likely to play out that way, given Syria's ethno-religious fault lines (not a new only has to remember how the Muslim brothers rebelled against the elder Assad and his Alawite-dominated regime and were crushed in Hama in '82) and the massive support for hardline groups from Saudi-Arabia, the Gulf states and Turkey.
It's wishful thinking that if only the West had acted differently there would now be liberal democrats in power in Damascus, forging a tolerant, multi-religious democracy. There are no good solutions for Syria, and pretending this is just about some evil dictator massacring his own people is just silly.
Post edited December 20, 2016 by morolf
low rated
Today: 19 Dec 2016 - 31 days to office
First hour - Biggest DDOS attack. Pelosi and group leading claim that Jones is `attacking them`. Censorship, Strong Cities Initiative Network. Greater global internet curbs. Globalization was meant to bring world peace 'or that's what we were sold'. China firm admits behind cyber attack just a few weeks ago. 'It is China teamed with the Democrats to bring the US down'. Top security firm (who Visa and MasterCard go to). Started with a DDOS and vulnerability with WordPress. Massive scale of a botnet. Sophistication level to take out credit card companies and banks. Either #1 or #2 largest attack in history. Russian Ambassador Karlov shot dead in Turkey. Obama's possibly going to give orders to do airstrike? Turkey officially/openly at war with Syria. Evil of Whiteness being taught in schools. Politico article against Jones.

Second hour - Funding and Control infowars and Breitbart. 'I don't know who you made enemies with, but this is big'. Electoral College set to anoint trump. Electors under siege. Podesta refusing to say election was fair and free, Lynch regrets Tarmac meeting. PA electors getting police protection 'This is stupid'. Certified votes for 19th. Clinton says Trump knows how to get 'angry white men' to vote for him. 'Problem of whiteness'. UVA students sign peition to ban Christmas. All about banning words. Women to blame for sex attacks (rriiiggghhhttt...). Russian Ambassador killed in Turkey. Electors getting death threats. Mental illness. Popular vote came entirely from California. Hundreds of books on history/war. 90% of what the globalists are doing, they publicly published. France taxes 101%. Rogue-One. Cyberattacks confirmed sourced by DHS. DHS response?.

Third Hour - Phenomenon of trolls. Internet attacks from China. Ted Koppel, spreading manure over the internet?? DDOS attack stuff x50 larger than what was against Trump. Jordan Maxwell: 'We are under attack as Americans, this whole country. And it's simple, if you don't take out the biggest guy on the block you don't have anything yet. Most people don't know what's going on so they are easy to knock over. But America has always been on the forefront. So unless you can take out this base of resistance than you haven't done anything. America is the only country left that offers liberty and justice for all which came out of the Renaissance'. 'ALL COMMUNIST COUNTRIES ARE CALLED DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICS'. Fire in the minds of men. 'Democratic today actually means corporate democracy is actually called Communism'. Obama the first full blown communist president. World Communism. Words. 'Been taught what to think, not how to think'. Global awakening. National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Druidism. Ancient magic. Styles magazine. Male & Female as animals, Masculine & Feminine. Tricking you (bill/money example). Globalism was sold to us in the 30's to prevent further world wars. 'Peace to them mean Cessation of Againstness, stopping being against something, which means submission'. False Illuminati. And those who cry '<i>appease, appease</i>' Are hanged by those they tried to please 'This has been the case in every communist country'. Military most awake group. Kiss the boys goodbye dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. Why should i worry my beautiful mind. 'It's incredible, if you don't pay your taxes and go to the amazon jungles and make an example of you, however they can't stop the drug war in California'. Paradox? 'We finally reached a point in evolution, where we're at the end of a critical period of evolution of the human race. We now have the technology to rip off and destroy and rape human minds and nations'. 'I'm telling you, the future won't be pretty. All of this is heading towards something we can't come back from, if it's lost it's gone forever for dignity and freedom'. This is a world-wide movement. Very deep. 'You get what you pay for. If you want the real story you pay with your life'. Redesigning the world. Talking about secret societies since 1960's. Political Correctness made by Soviet Union to create basket-case lunatics.
Post edited December 20, 2016 by rtcvb32
Vainamoinen: The only legible parts of your gibberish are the insensible insinuations. "So you think" that the Syrian people should all have just gone back to business as usual after March 6th, 2011? "You realize" how Bashar Al-Asshat started this whole thing? ",
morolf: Sorry, but your understanding of the conflict seems pretty childish to me. It's not the Syrian people against Assad's doubt Assad runs a brutal dictatorship, but it's clear that a very significant part of Syria's population has backed the regime throughout the conflict...they may have no great love for Assad, but regard the alternatives as worse. Syria's minorities are afraid, probably with very good reason, that they'll be exterminated or expelled if an illiberal Sunni majority gets to power, and even quite a few Sunnis seem to regard Assad's regime as the lesser evil. The opposition has been dominated by Islamists for years. And it was always likely to play out that way, given Syria's ethno-religious fault lines (not a new only has to remember how the Muslim brothers rebelled against the elder Assad and his Alawite-dominated regime and were crushed in Hama in '82) and the massive support for hardline groups from Saudi-Arabia, the Gulf states and Turkey.
It's wishful thinking that if only the West had acted differently there would now be liberal democrats in power in Damascus, forging a tolerant, multi-religious democracy. There are no good solutions for Syria, and pretending this is just about some evil dictator massacring his own people is just silly.
Indeed, this isn't about some Evil Dictator (tm)

I'd recommend Adam Curtis' latest BBC documentary which talks a lot about the Syrian dictators (and the US) as it explains the situation quite well up to the year 2000-ish, as well as RFK Jr's article on Syria which takes on the current situation.

It's just not about Evil Dictators. Never was.
low rated
RWarehall: Mainstream Media. This Canadian journalist has been to Allepo 6 times, speaks Arabic, talked to the people, talked to the refugees as they were liberated. Points out any number of claims that are just not true.
Zjeraar: I always get this itch when I hear the cliché that the mainstream media somehow aren't capable of covering the real news or are keeping some kind of agenda as soon as an "independent" reporter comes along telling a different story. My question then is: What makes one choose this one reporter over dozens of on-the-scene reporters working for known news outlets?

I googled around a bit and quickly found that a couple of her very bold claims, claims you are referring to, are, as it seems, simply incorrect.
Did you even read what you replied with? So, let me get this straight...the Syrian Army supposedly bombed that hospital, yet it's open for business 2 weeks later? And in the very article cited, the building across the street was hit (and the hospital was treating the victims) and then an adjunct "a few buildings down" from the hospital was hit, but again not the hospital itself...despite Snopes claiming otherwise...

When I see a report that the Syrian Army bombed a hospital, I get the idea the hospital was actually bombed and destroyed, not that a couple of nearby buildings were hit and there was maybe a bit of collateral damage. This actually supports her contention that satellite imaging showed no damage to the hospital after the bombing. It's not even clear whether the hospital ever shut down depending on which source one looks at, that ranges from, it didn't to it couldn't even possibly re-open because it was completely destroyed (which we know is untrue).

Do you not see how someone might see the MSM report on that bombing as a little suspect under those circumstances? Note how Snopes didn't piece that together...and I pulled that strictly from their quotes and links...

I'm not even sure why Snopes talks about the election as if that part is somehow false too given that they seem to agree that 88.7% voted for Assad but that somehow that only 73% of people voting makes all the difference? Didn't we just have an election where only half the people voted? And isn't 88.7% times 73% almost 65%?

Given that Snopes chose to be quite one-sided with their claims even going so far as to compare this to some Sandy Hook claim, I'm not sure Snopes is quite the reliable source you claim it to be. Their coverage seems far from neutral on this issue...

And here are the quotes from "Doctors Without Borders" reports which they linked...
“The attack on Al Quds hospital has destroyed one of the last remaining places in Aleppo in which you could still find humanity."

"the hospital was destroyed by at least one airstrike which directly hit the building, reducing it to rubble."

Does this sound like a hospital that is back in business two weeks later per Snopes? Or still treating victims from the building next door? Or more exaggeration? Doesn't this prove the claims that the MSM misreported the facts?

It appears to me that Snopes used a misreported news story to debunk the claims of misreported news...
Post edited December 20, 2016 by RWarehall
rtcvb32: .
Where's the recommended videos and audio podcast?

I'm starting to think your enthusiasm is waning?
low rated
rtcvb32: .
Kleetus: Where's the recommended videos and audio podcast?

I'm starting to think your enthusiasm is waning?
It's coming. the 4th hour and nightly news as well. I have about 40 minutes of the news still to go through, and then finding a video or two... not sure, depends on if anything stands out that I have watched. Could put up the 2.5 hour SJW-ism talk with Sargon of Akkad, but that's a little heavy... might not do anything with that today.
low rated
Today: 19 Dec 2016 - 31 days to office
Part 1

Fourth Hour - Jordan Maxwell: 'I have been told by my lawyers that when i start talking about certain subjects I'll get cut off. There are certain things you cannot talk about. But if you go to the private side the government can't control that. 'I'm amazed talking about this 50 years ago and the public is finally getting it'. 'They will find it difficult who have accepted the authority as truth, rather than the truth is the authority'. Adding a 5th hour? DDOS attack will be in the newspapers in the next few days, might be the biggest. Communist Chinese biggest mass murderers in history. White-Hats. Internet of things. The electoral college and phoning in results. Article V Convention, Ohio representative stepped down. NY college votes Clinton. CBS censored our TV ads to help Clinton 'CBS took it upon itself to get in Clinton’s corner and play censor to her critics'. $160Mil Ministry of Truth. Poynter Institute. Faithless Elector Movement. Maine elector tried to vote Sanders. 10% NY electors are high hitting/ranking Democrats. Removing backroom rigging. Minnesota elector refuses to back Clinton. Hamilton wanted to avoid cabals. . Long term game, undermine Trump, the constitution and electoral college. [url=]Clinton's popular vote entirely came from California. Writing the laws without electing them. Terrorist attack by bus in Berlin in Christmas market.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (3 hours)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Multiple Terror attacks. Truck drove through crowd, 9-12 dead 48-50 injured. Russia Ambassador to Turkey assassinated. No moderate rebels in Syria. Maryland protest group and demands. California Amnesty group to hide criminal gang members who are illegal immigrants/aliens. California movement for CalExit opens embassy in Moscow (i didn't know California was a separate sovereign nation). Trump has won the electorl college. 5 faithless electors (<i>and they are Democrats</i>). Double standards. Firewall. IMF banker Lagarde skips country before trial verdict. Great Firewall of China. 'Hacking' term used wrong. DOS attack to prevent ordering. White-hat hacker. 'This particular active bot-net appears to originate with 10million yahoo email accounts, part of the 2 billion yahoo emails that were hacked'. Internet of things. Flaming sword of Truth. Anresco Laboratories study: is the most widely used herbicide and used in RoundUp. It was introduced as a <i>less toxic</i> herbicide; But fails to mention low and high level toxins. Originally used as a pipe-cleaner, the EPA categorizes it as a Class C Carcinogen, but in 1991 mysteriously went to Class E. In 2015 has been reclassified it again (<i>so it can cause cancer</i>). [url=]huff post Monsanto scrambling to bury this story. Testing for lots of toxic chemicals in a lot of common products. EPA/FDA has a very old list of what is safe to consume and what isn't. EPA/FDA does no testing of final food products, only occasionally test raw materials. 'Best advice is to eat organic food'. Before next Christmas hopefully consumers will be more aware of what toxic chemicals are in their food through certification. To ? '<i>The study was done correctly</i>'. Berlin terrorist attack; ISIS/ISIL claimed responsibility. [url=]ISIS called for using trucks in 2010. Last week 12 yearold arrested. . [url=]Russian Ambassador assassinated.

Recommended videos:
Gonad friction to jumpstart airplanes
Post edited December 20, 2016 by rtcvb32
high rated
MaGo72: I am sure Assad is no angel, but
morolf: no doubt Assad runs a brutal dictatorship, but
Yeah guys. This argumentative pattern hasn't started to make sense to anyone in the meantime.

No one has said things would be all peachy with Assad gone. Helping him stay in power, however, is what crazy power-hungry imperialist dictators do, not people interested in peace.
low rated
MaGo72: I am sure Assad is no angel, but
Vainamoinen: Yeah guys. This argumentative pattern hasn't started to make sense to anyone in the meantime.

No one has said things would be all peachy with Assad gone. Helping him stay in power, however, is what crazy power-hungry imperialist dictators do, not people interested in peace.
So says you with no evidence and no explanation of who or what fills in the vacuum except the "leap of faith" that whatever replaces Assad will necessarily be better. So apparently in your mind, America and Europe are the ones who should decide which leaders of which countries "deserve" to stay in power and to enforce change when they disagree.

Furthermore, seeing as you posted this 5 hours after Atlantico's post, it seems to me that since you have no adequate response to his post (or the rest of the content of the above clipped posts), you are just choosing to ignore them.

That is the real problem with your argumentative "style". You are light in facts, make grand assumptions and support them with weak claims based on advocacy groups such as Amnesty International having a country on a list for 16 years, claiming that makes him undeniably the worst person ever. And when all that fails, you either clip apart people's arguments down to nonsense or call them names like conspiracy theorists or accuse them of wearing tinfoil hats.

And then you wonder why people do not believe you are debating in good faith...

But we don't have to worry, because in a month Vain will be telling us how we ignored his great posts fully explaining everything, and we are the ones just too stupid to get it.
Post edited December 20, 2016 by RWarehall
low rated
Vainamoinen: Helping him stay in power, however, is what crazy power-hungry imperialist dictators do, not people interested in peace.
Probably what everyone thought before attacking Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein.
low rated
Again I'd like to point out how thought out posts seem to get "low rated" while Vain's shit posts devoid of useful content are untouched. Pretty clear which group of people are doing the "low rating"...
low rated
MaGo72: I am sure Assad is no angel, but
Vainamoinen: Yeah guys. This argumentative pattern hasn't started to make sense to anyone in the meantime.

No one has said things would be all peachy with Assad gone. Helping him stay in power, however, is what crazy power-hungry imperialist dictators do, not people interested in peace.
So what's your solution? Remove Assad from power by military force (which would mean risking war with Russia btw) and just hope for the best? Because that worked out so well in Libya? If the rebels won, you can be sure there'd be lots of massacres and it could well mean the end for Syria's minorities, like it did in Iraq after Saddam was deposed (there are communities like the Mandaeans that have lived in Iraq for 2000 years, had to leave Iraq because of the Islamist violence after 2003, and will probably cease to exist as identifiable you care about that? Do you even know about it? Do you want to see that repeated in Syria?). And if the west intervened on the side of the rebels, we would own those massacres, and that would be a greater guilt by far than non-intervention.
Post edited December 20, 2016 by morolf