Posted December 14, 2016
low rated
Today: 13 Dec 2016 - 37 days to office
First hour Kanye visits Trump his '<i>old friend</i>'. CIA assessment on Russia Hacking failing. 14 signs Russia an excuse to steal electionOpen brazen naked attempts at soft coup. 20% Saudi funding to Hillary matched by China. Censorship & shadow banning. Pelosi has 10 electors to go against vows for proper votes but are going for 50 to overturn election. Won't know til the 6th. John Podesta fueling conspiracy to urge Electoral college to change votes. Funding to BLM and other groups doubled after election, hyping the race-war. Kanye was forcibly kept in mental institution for 2 weeks, now Kanye is working to divorce Kardashian and is done with NWO. White House slips it's China doing the hacking. Top US Spy agency refuses CIA claim of hacking due to insufficient evidence. Nov 26th Feds admitted there was no Russian Cyberattacks targeting election. Keith Olbermann is back. Next 30 days is the most critical. Clapper. 80% lies 20% spin.
Second hour - Foreign interference in elections by China & Saudi Arabia. Roger Stone: Several steps, popular vote, recount, Russia interference, spook the electors. 'The CIA a rogue secret group run by Obama and Soros and Hillary, adamantly say they want new elections on CNN by BoB Baer whose job is overthrowing governments admitted lier group visiting electors and "have a talk with them"'. A power grab. Last grasp of the establishment. 'The good news is most electors are loyal republicans'. Trump needs to clean out the CIA from top to bottom 'get rid of every single blueblood'. Comey & 650,000 emails. Memo to the effect to go on Offense with Trump. Partisan actions. Intolerance from the Liberals/Left. Double standards. The die is cast, the concerted campaign is likely going to be unsuccessful. Likely leaks and public counting. Preibus's job to keep electors in line. Making of the President 2016 (book), will be a blueprint for the future, and inside view. Mr. Hunt who shot JFK. Fake news scandal made and pushed by Clinton camp. Role Reversal. The twin narratives of the fake news and Russia hacking are both falling apart. The Truth about Russia '<i>hacking the election</i>'. What they're not telling you about '<i>Fake news</i>'. 'lies and hoaxes that have ruined peoples lives'.
Third Hour - In The Daily Show Obama said Clinton emails were 'fairly routine' and uninteresting. Student arrested after carrying weapons into Trump Tower. Bill Mitchel: Kanye meeting up with Trump. 'This is a sign or side effect, of a post-ideological president. Trump is a resultist'. Politics downstream of culture. 'Far left see progressive as the truth, and when you deviate you become a lie'. #BakedNews. 'Recounts a nothing-burger'. Democrats be-clowning themselves. Successful in changing ANY electoral votes? 'No, and I'll tell you why. Only Singleton electors changed votes for protest votes. These are chosen electors very political at the state level and want a future in politics, and you need credibility. A faithless elector would be flushing their vote down the drain. When there aren't 38 electors to flip, nobody will flush their career down the toilet (except maybe the plant in Texas)', 'We heard a week before the election we would have 30, while there were really 2' 'they might as well erase their resume and put BIG FAT LIER down'. Michael Moore, hysterical attitude & intimidate into changing votes. Flouncing on the right. 'If Trump has bad judgement and instincts, then we are screwed. But he has great judgement and instincts. He knows a lot more than you do'. Part of a larger picture. 'Highly sharp and competent people who will get results'. 'A Results now Administration'. Track records of winning and succeeding. Wealthiest cabinets in history. 'Give him 100 days and see how his picks pan out'. Mitt Romney and those jumping ship. 'This is an entire sea change on how America does business'. 'Trump has so many good operational people he'll be able to sell the "make America great again", won't have to get tied up in the day to day Mancunian'. Carrier Air-Conditioner deal. 'A lot of good-will with the Carrier deal' & will of the people. Investor confidence. 'He has laid out his 100 day plan; At least give him 100 days!'. Rex Tillison, Steve Mnuchin. 'Do i not defeat my enemies, when i make them my friends?'. The other choice is an insurgency with everyone blocking him, so better they are on his team. The idea of America. Big time power players. 'Have some belief in the guy, you elected him, be unified. The Media and Democrats are trying to break our unity, their last best chance. They can't defeat us from the outside'. 'After 8 years of getting 0% of what i want, i'll take 80% of what i want'. Fake news and crumbling trust with MSM. Actual fake news is not the same as a different opinion. 'It's amazing to watch the left self-immolate'. Shovel-ready jobs & DNC. Win back congress in 2018 and won't succeed. 'Their entire progressive philosophy is broken, they tried it. Dr Obama cured us of Liberalism by implementing it fully and exposing it for what it was. People want results! We don't want to be average or bowing to other leaders.' 'Trump is going to make us feel how we want to feel as Americans'. 'I think the democrats are basically just done'. Next move, rebrand as populous brand? 'Their only reaction is to go for the left. The problem is they have no bench now. We control 75% of state legislatures now. Democrats don't have anything, there is no Barrak Obama Pt2 coming out. The ultimate irony is the Republican party has become the party of youth'. 'People are tired of living in their parent's basement, they want to win!'. Urban Renewal 'the last blue wall'. Giving the communities some hope. Twitter banning Pro-Trump accounts. 'Never complain about the cook's cooking when you're still eating'. Merkel blaming Putin and not her policies and the migrants.
First hour Kanye visits Trump his '<i>old friend</i>'. CIA assessment on Russia Hacking failing. 14 signs Russia an excuse to steal electionOpen brazen naked attempts at soft coup. 20% Saudi funding to Hillary matched by China. Censorship & shadow banning. Pelosi has 10 electors to go against vows for proper votes but are going for 50 to overturn election. Won't know til the 6th. John Podesta fueling conspiracy to urge Electoral college to change votes. Funding to BLM and other groups doubled after election, hyping the race-war. Kanye was forcibly kept in mental institution for 2 weeks, now Kanye is working to divorce Kardashian and is done with NWO. White House slips it's China doing the hacking. Top US Spy agency refuses CIA claim of hacking due to insufficient evidence. Nov 26th Feds admitted there was no Russian Cyberattacks targeting election. Keith Olbermann is back. Next 30 days is the most critical. Clapper. 80% lies 20% spin.
Second hour - Foreign interference in elections by China & Saudi Arabia. Roger Stone: Several steps, popular vote, recount, Russia interference, spook the electors. 'The CIA a rogue secret group run by Obama and Soros and Hillary, adamantly say they want new elections on CNN by BoB Baer whose job is overthrowing governments admitted lier group visiting electors and "have a talk with them"'. A power grab. Last grasp of the establishment. 'The good news is most electors are loyal republicans'. Trump needs to clean out the CIA from top to bottom 'get rid of every single blueblood'. Comey & 650,000 emails. Memo to the effect to go on Offense with Trump. Partisan actions. Intolerance from the Liberals/Left. Double standards. The die is cast, the concerted campaign is likely going to be unsuccessful. Likely leaks and public counting. Preibus's job to keep electors in line. Making of the President 2016 (book), will be a blueprint for the future, and inside view. Mr. Hunt who shot JFK. Fake news scandal made and pushed by Clinton camp. Role Reversal. The twin narratives of the fake news and Russia hacking are both falling apart. The Truth about Russia '<i>hacking the election</i>'. What they're not telling you about '<i>Fake news</i>'. 'lies and hoaxes that have ruined peoples lives'.
Third Hour - In The Daily Show Obama said Clinton emails were 'fairly routine' and uninteresting. Student arrested after carrying weapons into Trump Tower. Bill Mitchel: Kanye meeting up with Trump. 'This is a sign or side effect, of a post-ideological president. Trump is a resultist'. Politics downstream of culture. 'Far left see progressive as the truth, and when you deviate you become a lie'. #BakedNews. 'Recounts a nothing-burger'. Democrats be-clowning themselves. Successful in changing ANY electoral votes? 'No, and I'll tell you why. Only Singleton electors changed votes for protest votes. These are chosen electors very political at the state level and want a future in politics, and you need credibility. A faithless elector would be flushing their vote down the drain. When there aren't 38 electors to flip, nobody will flush their career down the toilet (except maybe the plant in Texas)', 'We heard a week before the election we would have 30, while there were really 2' 'they might as well erase their resume and put BIG FAT LIER down'. Michael Moore, hysterical attitude & intimidate into changing votes. Flouncing on the right. 'If Trump has bad judgement and instincts, then we are screwed. But he has great judgement and instincts. He knows a lot more than you do'. Part of a larger picture. 'Highly sharp and competent people who will get results'. 'A Results now Administration'. Track records of winning and succeeding. Wealthiest cabinets in history. 'Give him 100 days and see how his picks pan out'. Mitt Romney and those jumping ship. 'This is an entire sea change on how America does business'. 'Trump has so many good operational people he'll be able to sell the "make America great again", won't have to get tied up in the day to day Mancunian'. Carrier Air-Conditioner deal. 'A lot of good-will with the Carrier deal' & will of the people. Investor confidence. 'He has laid out his 100 day plan; At least give him 100 days!'. Rex Tillison, Steve Mnuchin. 'Do i not defeat my enemies, when i make them my friends?'. The other choice is an insurgency with everyone blocking him, so better they are on his team. The idea of America. Big time power players. 'Have some belief in the guy, you elected him, be unified. The Media and Democrats are trying to break our unity, their last best chance. They can't defeat us from the outside'. 'After 8 years of getting 0% of what i want, i'll take 80% of what i want'. Fake news and crumbling trust with MSM. Actual fake news is not the same as a different opinion. 'It's amazing to watch the left self-immolate'. Shovel-ready jobs & DNC. Win back congress in 2018 and won't succeed. 'Their entire progressive philosophy is broken, they tried it. Dr Obama cured us of Liberalism by implementing it fully and exposing it for what it was. People want results! We don't want to be average or bowing to other leaders.' 'Trump is going to make us feel how we want to feel as Americans'. 'I think the democrats are basically just done'. Next move, rebrand as populous brand? 'Their only reaction is to go for the left. The problem is they have no bench now. We control 75% of state legislatures now. Democrats don't have anything, there is no Barrak Obama Pt2 coming out. The ultimate irony is the Republican party has become the party of youth'. 'People are tired of living in their parent's basement, they want to win!'. Urban Renewal 'the last blue wall'. Giving the communities some hope. Twitter banning Pro-Trump accounts. 'Never complain about the cook's cooking when you're still eating'. Merkel blaming Putin and not her policies and the migrants.