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richlind33: Save your gratuitously large walls of text
It wasn't even meant to be insulting to you. It's basically just the history of the thermite argument in truther circles, it definitely seemed as if you had not been aware of the sorry ass course that originally throwaway idea took during the last 12+ years. All of what I've written is to my knowledge the truth, and all of that I've actually personally witnessed happening. All the squirming, all the hopping from one imbecile improvised theory to the next if only the quasi-religious conspiracy faith "it was a controlled demolition" is preserved and the term "thermite" remains in there somewhere so as to not embarrass the heroes of the truther movement.

I will definitely save that wall of text to re-use it some time, thanks for the suggestion. It has worked exceedingly well as a means to demonstrate how immeasurably silly those ideas are, and no amount of JAQing off, posting wikipedia text or youtube links will change that.
high rated
richlind33: Could you show me some examples of this phenomenon you think are germane so we can compare it to WTC 7?
No. Your sources I've seen thus far are abjectly terrible, so I expect you to dislike mine as well. Learn on your own, then try to throw my ideas back at me so I can see what you learned from. Then I can help you learn correctly, if you are so inclined.

Stacks are very simple structures, so understanding their physics is about as easy as any engineering concept can be. Start by watching a video of a controlled detonation of a stack. Watch it break apart. Learn why it is a very well understood phenomenon that part of the stack moves in free fall, while forcing another part to move not at free fall. Learn why this causes the break, and is also a symptom of it. That will help you understand that structures are held together and thus gravity is not - can not be - the only force considered in a collapse. Then you will understand what I meant when I said "internal collapse" and why this is relevant.

Yesterday, you said, "let me stop you there" and presumably read no further. Shame, since I was careful to present demonstrations of the insultingly basic errors made in that video you linked. You could read that wall. You could research stack collapses. You could learn about parts of the problem and eventually, like me, not know enough to prove one thing or another, but at least know enough to recognize bad information.
low rated
richlind33: Save your gratuitously large walls of text
Vainamoinen: It wasn't even meant to be insulting to you. It's basically just the history of the thermite argument in truther circles, it definitely seemed as if you had not been aware of the sorry ass course that originally throwaway idea took during the last 12+ years. All of what I've written is to my knowledge the truth, and all of that I've actually personally witnessed happening. All the squirming, all the hopping from one imbecile improvised theory to the next if only the quasi-religious conspiracy faith "it was a controlled demolition" is preserved and the term "thermite" remains in there somewhere so as to not embarrass the heroes of the truther movement.

I will definitely save that wall of text to re-use it some time, thanks for the suggestion. It has worked exceedingly well as a means to demonstrate how immeasurably silly those ideas are, and no amount of JAQing off, posting wikipedia text or youtube links will change that.
Wunnerful, thanks for once again showing us that you believe with absolute certainty that the human experience is inherently objective.

So, could you kindly bugger off, or is there something else you feel you need to tell me? o.O

richlind33: Could you show me some examples of this phenomenon you think are germane so we can compare it to WTC 7?
OneFiercePuppy: No. Your sources I've seen thus far are abjectly terrible, so I expect you to dislike mine as well. Learn on your own, then try to throw my ideas back at me so I can see what you learned from. Then I can help you learn correctly, if you are so inclined.

Stacks are very simple structures, so understanding their physics is about as easy as any engineering concept can be. Start by watching a video of a controlled detonation of a stack. Watch it break apart. Learn why it is a very well understood phenomenon that part of the stack moves in free fall, while forcing another part to move not at free fall. Learn why this causes the break, and is also a symptom of it. That will help you understand that structures are held together and thus gravity is not - can not be - the only force considered in a collapse. Then you will understand what I meant when I said "internal collapse" and why this is relevant.

Yesterday, you said, "let me stop you there" and presumably read no further. Shame, since I was careful to present demonstrations of the insultingly basic errors made in that video you linked. You could read that wall. You could research stack collapses. You could learn about parts of the problem and eventually, like me, not know enough to prove one thing or another, but at least know enough to recognize bad information.
No, provide what I asked for or go do something you think is more constructive, and so shall I. And for the record, I did read your entire post. I simply wanted to address the first part before going further.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33
richlind33: is there something else you feel you need to tell me?
Sure, we can go full meta. You've tried to poke holes in certain theories by using other people's incoherent ramblings as your personal spearhead.

It didn't work. You're annoyed, so you have to insult people some more. I get it.

Subjectively of course.
richlind33: provide what I asked for

Why does the second tower break apart at 0:27, even though it has not hit anything?
low rated
Today: 7 Nov 2016 - 1 day to Election
First hour - Infowars ranked at 172 (Drudge at 101), Corporate media revenue down by 97.5%. China buying all 6 major Hollywood studios. Hillary cancels victory fireworks display. Janet Reno dead at 78. Obama sanctions illegal citizens can vote.

Second hour - Massive election/voter fraud reported across the country. Stefan Molyneux: This election is a winner-take-all for a long time. A pushback against the tidal-wave of mis-information. Addicts of power. A bit on Trump. What matters most is keeping our freedom. We shall find a peace and tribalism with eachother. Artificial divisions and suicidal course. Socialist state/engineering.

Third Hour - Obama Executive order pushing global health agenda, new vaccines and injectable flushots. The New Vaccines and flu shots causing paralysis and sickness by the thousands. Confidential information/insert for shots (<i>this is scary!</i>), don't take the shots. Audit AZ: Black vs white box voting, suing to keep ballot images as destroying them is a class 6 Felony, Orwellingion world. Fraction magic is real, ballot images older/newer machines. CNN facing skeptical public on election results, Hillary behind in CA and NC. We need to make elections transparent track-able and verifiable. It's a pay to play system. Breakdown of CA votes and Sander's nomination stolen. Strip & flip, and ballot stacking. Larry Nichols: They are nervous, showing under-dog status 1 day before. 'They will say Hillary wins by 6', 'they control the justice department, the FBI and the media, and they will control congress soon'. Hillary & Gun control 'within 6 months executive order requiring gun registration nationwide', within 6 months after that 'conforming' laws to ban/remove semi-auto guns via a new executive order. Do 2 things: #1 protect your vote, make sure your votes were cast the way they should have (or demand paper ballot), if they don't conform to the laws call the police and report it! #2 stick around and watch for vans/buses start appearing, take pictures and forward fraud and non-compliance reports to

Fourth Hour - Larry Nichols: The biggest thing to swing this election: Committing to the time and subtly letting them know you're watching, the fraudulent ones will leave. 2nd Chronicles 7:14. 'I want you to stop killing my grand-kids'. WeAreDeplorable Trump Ad #DrainTheSwamp. 'The quest stands on the edge of a knife, stray just a little and it will be detrimental to all', Media bias and wikileaks, CNN &amp; DNC colluded on questions for Trump, Cruz and wolf blitzer, CNBC & Podesta. Hillary's IF for keeping Michigan. NC News: Roy Cooper caught busing in people, some HC history with restructuring and now republican. NC GOP evidence of democrat leader using voter suppression, and preventing veterans running for office. Metrics FL/NC/Drudge and Trump doing better than Romney.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
"Daily Headlines"= (Coming Soon)

"Nightly News"= (Coming Soon)

52 hour broadcast at Infowars
Post edited November 08, 2016 by rtcvb32
Not again...
Seriously, man? Is there no hope for you whatsoever? Do you not listen to a single thing anyone says to you?

Oh, well. I can't say I didn't try civility, at least.
high rated
richlind33: <snip>
It's been a while, so perhaps you're researching the phenomenon. Still, my food's about done cooking so I'll post this here in case you do get back about it.

Was this wind resistance? No. Wind resistance does not break stacks. I showed an example of one in coastal Florida to accentuate that. Hurricane winds, especially those just coming off the ocean, carry heavy rains, vastly increasing the density of any given volume of wind. This also increases the force applied, so a stack built to withstand hurricane winds won't break due to wind resistance from a brief fall.

As the stack collapses, the top moves at a higher velocity than the bottom; in fact, it experiences a different acceleration as well. This causes different parts of the tower to experience different forces (since we see that force is defined as mass x acceleration). Since the stack is all connected together, this variety of forces causes shear. The shear results in the stack splitting apart (roughly near the middle. Consider: if the stack had been wider at the base, would the split be nearer the base or the top?). A stack makes for an ideal example because it is all connected, and it is very simple (so we don't have to consider complicated additional forces): if you had very sensitive instruments, you could see that a hard push on the base would cause a tiny movement at the top. Because the building is all connected, something happening to one part has an effect on other parts

Consider a Truther video of the 7 collapse. Do you see at 2:09 the beginning of collapse? Do you see the clear damage rippling through the building for fully seven seconds before the exterior walls give out? This is internal collapse. As parts of the building fall, they not only stop supporting themselves, but they also overload adjacent supports. This means that there are many complicated forces on the inside acting on the entire building (because it was all connected, and forces acting on one part of a connected structure have an effect on other parts), and so considering only one tiny piece of the puzzle (as your video from yesterday did, again and again) is not merely inadequate - it is dishonest and inherently wrong.

So why does this make the free fall consideration meaningless? You saw from the simplest example that collapses happen both in free fall, and not in free fall, during the same collapse. It was exaggerated in the stack collapse (so as to be easier to see and understand), but even in a near-vertical collapse, forces acting on one part of the building will change the collapse rate of other parts. Seeing free fall behavior in a collapse absolutely does not require explosives. It can be from a variety of causes, and the NIST analysis demonstrates them.

Doesn't it look bad that NIST had to go back and change their explanation? No. That's literally what competent science requires. When a potentially valid concern is raised, it is appropriate to go back, reconsider your assumptions, look at data again, and if necessary change your understanding. There is no need for conspiracy, demolition, or gross incompetence to explain why a draft explanation was changed before being given as a final explanation.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by OneFiercePuppy
low rated
Vainamoinen: Sure, we can go full meta.
What's full meta, is that like full retard but with IT workers?

rtcvb32: .
So glad you're back, looks like the break and the sprouts have done you the world of good.

And now is not the time to leave us with the election so close, we need you more than ever.
rtcvb32: Hillary & Gun control 'within 6 months executive order requiring gun registration nationwide', within 6 months after that 'conforming' laws to ban/remove semi-auto guns via a new executive order.

No one is taking your guns away. And that is a really, really bad thing because you're shooting yourselves dead with them much so much faster than any terrorist ever could.
low rated
richlind33: is there something else you feel you need to tell me?
Vainamoinen: Sure, we can go full meta. You've tried to poke holes in certain theories by using other people's incoherent ramblings as your personal spearhead.

It didn't work. You're annoyed, so you have to insult people some more. I get it.

Subjectively of course.
Didn't I tell you already? NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! NOT A SINGLE DROP!!!

Now get out, and stay out!

BTW, weren't you rambling on incoherently about the twin towers yesterday, in a discussion about WTC 7? lol
Is there Global Warming?


No, it’s not a modern Chinese myth. Here too, Donald Trump is lying to you. What CO2 does to the atmosphere had already been calculated by e.g. Svante Arrhenius by the late 1890s in the first studies on the matter. We have collected scientific evidence for the theory for more than a hundred years now. We also know for certain that we’re causing the effect, and how. This, also, is something we have carefully studied and evaluated for no less than 50 years, with corroborating data coming from scientific institutions from all over the world. The scientific world is in no relevant measure divided on this subject, whatever scientists Alex Jones may dig out that try and fail to hypothesize the contrary.

We’re only on rather hypothetic territory when we’re speaking about the actual effects global warming and CO2 increase has on the world and our environment (while global warming itself and our responsibility, it bears repeating, is not in dispute). There are, of course, the dontyouworrynones, the warmerisbetters in that respect, and then there are the ultimate doomsayers. The middle here is pretty darn scary already though.

2016 has been the hottest year on record yet again, that’s a fact. Our vintners have started to change their wine growing traditions, hundreds of years old, substantially this last decade out of necessity. They’re calling 2016 a “horror year”. As the high temperatures have decimated grape acidity, vintners are by government decree allowed to add other acid to their wines to save the harvest. Another one of our traditions threatened by global warming is, unsurprisingly, beer brewing – hops doesn’t grow well with CO2 this high. Under global warming, our Reinheitsgebot (“German beer purity law”) will likely evaporate sooner or later, and we’ve had a variant of this law for twice as long as the United States even existed.

But that’s of course just age old traditions going bye-bye and, well, food providers going belly up. By many projections, the current adult generation will be mostly all right under global warming.

We’re fucking our children in the ass vehemently of course.
* Friendly reminder *

A tweet just reminded that weither you're dedicated to politics or don't give a damn, you still have time to place some money bets on the outcome of the US elections so whatever who the future president will be, you'll have the possibility to buy more GOG games with your monetary gains and forget about this kindergarten campaign ;)
low rated
OneFiercePuppy: It's been a while, so perhaps you're researching the phenomenon. Still, my food's about done cooking so I'll post this here in case you do get back about it.

Was this wind resistance? No. Wind resistance does not break stacks. I showed an example of one in coastal Florida to accentuate that. Hurricane winds, especially those just coming off the ocean, carry heavy rains, vastly increasing the density of any given volume of wind. This also increases the force applied, so a stack built to withstand hurricane winds won't break due to wind resistance from a brief fall.

As the stack collapses, the top moves at a higher velocity than the bottom; in fact, it experiences a different acceleration as well. This causes different parts of the tower to experience different forces (since we see that force is defined as mass x acceleration). Since the stack is all connected together, this variety of forces causes shear. The shear results in the stack splitting apart (roughly near the middle. Consider: if the stack had been wider at the base, would the split be nearer the base or the top?). A stack makes for an ideal example because it is all connected, and it is very simple (so we don't have to consider complicated additional forces): if you had very sensitive instruments, you could see that a hard push on the base would cause a tiny movement at the top. Because the building is all connected, something happening to one part has an effect on other parts
Gee, thanks for the spoilers. o.O

I was going to say that stacks aren't designed to withstand very much in a horizontal position, so the more it leans, the structurally weaker it would become.

D, or an F?

OneFiercePuppy: Consider a Truther video of the 7 collapse. Do you see at 2:09 the beginning of collapse? Do you see the clear damage rippling through the building for fully seven seconds before the exterior walls give out? This is internal collapse. As parts of the building fall, they not only stop supporting themselves, but they also overload adjacent supports. This means that there are many complicated forces on the inside acting on the entire building (because it was all connected, and forces acting on one part of a connected structure have an effect on other parts), and so considering only one tiny piece of the puzzle (as your video from yesterday did, again and again) is not merely inadequate - it is dishonest and inherently wrong.

So why does this make the free fall consideration meaningless? You saw from the simplest example that collapses happen both in free fall, and not in free fall, during the same collapse. It was exaggerated in the stack collapse (so as to be easier to see and understand), but even in a near-vertical collapse, forces acting on one part of the building will change the collapse rate of other parts. Seeing free fall behavior in a collapse absolutely does not require explosives. It can be from a variety of causes, and the NIST analysis demonstrates them.

Doesn't it look bad that NIST had to go back and change their explanation? No. That's literally what competent science requires. When a potentially valid concern is raised, it is appropriate to go back, reconsider your assumptions, look at data again, and if necessary change your understanding. There is no need for conspiracy, demolition, or gross incompetence to explain why a draft explanation was changed before being given as a final explanation.
Please take a look at part 2 -- it's about 5 1/2 minutes. Would you say that Chandler is far off the mark in determining NIST's start time for the collapse, or reasonably close?

Why do you think it's acceptable that NIST failed to acknowledge free-fall in it's draft report? Is it possible that Chandler is correct and that NIST *wanted* a collapse time of 5.4 seconds?

Re the video you posted: when the building lets go and collapses, if a significant number of structural support components remain intact on one side of the building but not on the other, does it still fall in the manner that it did?

Thank you.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by richlind33
Is Hillary Clinton fit to hold office?
You’ve seen her in three unedited 90-minute live debates with about the most tiring, obnoxious and overtly threatening fascist fool alive, and she clearly won every single one of those debates hands down by the assessment of both Democrats as well as Republicans. That should answer your question. If she can stand Trump for more than a minute without vomiting in his face, she can hold her ground against international dictators (whom Trump wants to be chums with).

Does vaccination cause autism?
When vaccination was made mandatory in the US, no spike in autism cases occurred to my knowledge. Back then, the US had 20% child mortality before the age of 5. That has subsided rather neatly instead. You don’t risk autism if you’re getting vaccinated. You risk deathly and wide spread epidemics if you don’t get your children vaccinated. Before long you’ll have to make immigration for refugees mandatory because the US would die out otherwise. So, glass half full. :)

Are there good reasons to vote for both sides?
You’re voting for a rather bad cold with Hillary Clinton. You’ll get through these four years, possibly with a strengthened immune system. Your international relationships won’t be totally fucked up, the debt ceiling will be intact and the Republicans will actually be forced to present a sensible candidate in four years, who will very likely win against Clinton, possibly in a landslide. You’re voting for scabies with Donald Trump and after four years, you’ll have plenty limbs amputated. Once president, you can be sure he’ll accept future election results in exactly the way he says he will accept this election’s results.

What about those alternate candidates?
The US political system sadly makes voting for those pretty senseless, particularly in the present election. Edward Snowden has pleaded you to do that of course, which is very understandable. Both democrats as well as republicans have skinned privacy away and will continue to do so. It’s not even a political topic any more. What happens to Chelsea Manning right now is basically the cold inhuman revenge that you’d rather expect of a totalitarian state. Snowden would face a 30 years prison sentence under Obama/Clinton. Yet under Trump? “Well sure we will torture the scum” Donald Trump? Do the math.