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low rated
Here's a seasonally topical picture to help us get ready for the upcoming election....
low rated
Kleetus: I love this thread, it's like a digital Seinfeld coffee shop.

It's where all the Kramers and Costanzas come to sit and chat.
The rep-ragers in here are pissin' in my cheerios, would you mind putting a good word in for me with tiny and breja? lol
low rated
richlind33: would you mind putting a good word in for me with tiny and breja?
I cannot, Breja has me blocked.

And tinyE has changed ever since he moved to Iraq, I feel like I'm losing my li'l buddy.
low rated
zeogold: but before he does, I'd like to hear what he suggests be used instead for such radical individuals),
tinyE: Glimphs

Any of those work for you?

And I'd like to point out that I have nothing against the term itself but how it's used. It's a flame word, rendered totally meaningless by people using it to bait, sound smart, or more often then not, detract away from the fact that they have NO CLUE what they are talking about. It tends to always show up when someone is losing an argument. Paint them into a corner and they can always scream "Yeah, well you're just another SJW!" They don't know what it means, and they don't care. It just sounds good, and it prevents them from having to give you an actual fucking answer.
Interesting that you would say that because I've never gotten the impression that you have a problem with flaming people. And since when have you ever employed reasoned argument when it comes to politics? All I've seen from you is disdain for those who do wish to discuss it, followed by juvenile efforts to stop it.

Are you just being a sarcastic dickhead, or do you really believe this shit?

I hope it's the former, but if it isn't, you really ought to reread some of your own posts, and stop obsessing about people you disagree with.
richlind33: I hope it's the former, but if it isn't, you really ought to reread some of your own posts, and stop obsessing about people you disagree with.
While true that tinyE rarely ever has good arguments, you don't seem to be any better.
You tell him to stop obsessing about people he disagrees with, yet you're basically doing the same thing (you apparently let the post slide for 12 hours and suddenly decided to tell him off out of the blue?). You seem pretty obsessed with Breja as well (it seems you're somehow convinced that he's the one derepping you. I guess you expected your constant insults of everybody to be met with uproarious applause?).
Do I even need to go into the amount of times you've given snarky, disrespectful, and just downright rude remarks to people who disagreed with you?

If you want to truly shame somebody, don't lower yourself to their level. Serve as an example to compare against.
low rated
richlind33: I hope it's the former, but if it isn't, you really ought to reread some of your own posts, and stop obsessing about people you disagree with.
zeogold: While true that tinyE rarely ever has good arguments, you don't seem to be any better.
You tell him to stop obsessing about people he disagrees with, yet you're basically doing the same thing (you apparently let the post slide for 12 hours and suddenly decided to tell him off out of the blue?). You seem pretty obsessed with Breja as well (it seems you're somehow convinced that he's the one derepping you. I guess you expected your constant insults of everybody to be met with uproarious applause?).
Do I even need to go into the amount of times you've given snarky, disrespectful, and just downright rude remarks to people who disagreed with you?

If you want to truly shame somebody, don't lower yourself to their level. Serve as an example to compare against.
With all due respect, you're full of it, and I'll tell you why: I don't pretend to have an issue with flaming. To the contrary, I've made it clear that I enjoy it, and I don't do it in lieu of making reasoned arguments -- if you think otherwise then cite some examples. And you know perfectly damn well that the two of them have made it their life's mission to shut this discussion down. And I know they're both downvoting posts because I caught them in the act. Tiny had the decency to admit it -- Breja didn't. And what business is it of yours anyway? You've rarely participated in this thread. Why do you give so many fux about how other people interact? I have no real issue with tiny trying to derail the discussion and making wide, sweeping generalizations that are as weak as a teabag in the ocean, but when he starts complaining about other people -- rightly or wrongly -- for doing things that he does routinely, it does make me think that he is a very unhealthy person. If you're his friend, maybe you should try to help him out -- assuming you really do care.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33
richlind33: I don't pretend to have an issue with flaming. To the contrary, I've made it clear that I enjoy it, and I don't do it in lieu of making reasoned arguments
Well, at least you admit it, I suppose. I'm not really sure what to say to you in that case.
richlind33: And you know perfectly damn well that the two of them have made it their life's mission to shut this discussion down.
Which I've already made my point on against both of them.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
Recent interesting developments:

Clintons, Podesta and many others involved in child trafficking. They are also involved in Satan worship and voodoo, which includes 'Spirit cooking' (it's disgusting).

NYC police forced the FBI to reopen case on Hillary for email scandals with 650,000 emails found on Weiner's Laptop (Huma's ex-husband).

Assassination attempt made on Trump at Reno NV rally, but was handled quietly and safely due to secret service and police action in Reno; Plus citizens ensuring the gun couldn't be drawn from his hip.
Edit: While someone called out he had a gun and was apprehended by local police, there's conflicting reports of him having a gun.
edit2: Man identified as bird-dogger, no gun though, fully intended to cause disturbance.

Upcoming Monday and/or Tuesday possible ISIS and terrorist attacks within US borders, namely in NY NJ and NC?. These might be to suppress voters with fear.
Post edited November 07, 2016 by rtcvb32
richlind33: And I know they're both downvoting posts because I caught them in the act. Tiny had the decency to admit it -- Breja didn't. really do care.
Two downvotes are not enough to make a post "low rated". And I can assure you that neither of them are using alts. You act as if they're somehow out to get you or something, when the reality is that most people who see your flaming tend to downvote you based on that. You're receiving the derepping because of how you conduct yourself.
richlind33: And what business is it of yours anyway? You've rarely participated in this thread. Why do you give so many fux about how other people interact?
I've been trying to promote peaceful, rational discussion in here since I ever became involved. Pretty much every other post of mine is an attempt at that.
richlind33: but when he starts complaining about other people -- rightly or wrongly -- for doing things that he does routinely, it does make me think that he is a very unhealthy person.
So...we're not going to apply these same standards to you, I guess?
Post edited November 06, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
richlind33: I don't pretend to have an issue with flaming. To the contrary, I've made it clear that I enjoy it, and I don't do it in lieu of making reasoned arguments
zeogold: Well, at least you admit it, I suppose. I'm not really sure what to say to you in that case.
richlind33: And you know perfectly damn well that the two of them have made it their life's mission to shut this discussion down.
zeogold: Which I've already made my point on against both of them.
Wunnerful, now would you please get off my goddamned tits? ;p
richlind33: If you're his friend, maybe you should try to help him out -- assuming you really do care.
I'm pretty sure I've already made it clear to both him and Breja my opinions on the matter (and most matters). At least he has the courage to admit his mistakes when he recognizes them, apologizes, and attempts to rectify them.
As for you, on the other hand, I've rarely seen you do much more besides flame so far.
richlind33: Wunnerful, now would you please get off my goddamned tits? ;p
Just testing to see if they're real. Not used to seeing those on males.
Edit: Calling it now, if dtgreene shows up in this thread at all, this will be the one post she'll reply to.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by zeogold
rtcvb32: Clintons, Podesta and many others involved in child trafficking. They are also involved in Satan worship and voodoo, which includes 'Spirit cooking' (it's disgusting).
Ok. I've heard some reaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllly ridiculous stuff before, but this one's so far outta left field, even I'M thrown off. That sounds like straight-up parody. You're not reading The Onion now, are you...?
low rated
richlind33: If you're his friend, maybe you should try to help him out -- assuming you really do care.
zeogold: I'm pretty sure I've already made it clear to both him and Breja my opinions on the matter (and most matters). At least he has the courage to admit his mistakes when he recognizes them, apologizes, and attempts to rectify them.
As for you, on the other hand, I've rarely seen you do much more besides flame so far.
Look more closely. Or don't.

richlind33: Wunnerful, now would you please get off my goddamned tits? ;p

Just testing to see if they're real. Not used to seeing those on males.
Edit: Calling it now, if dtgreene shows up in this thread at all, this will be the one post she'll reply to.
Much better. Thank you. ;p

rtcvb32: Clintons, Podesta and many others involved in child trafficking. They are also involved in Satan worship and voodoo, which includes 'Spirit cooking' (it's disgusting).
zeogold: Ok. I've heard some reaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllly ridiculous stuff before, but this one's so far outta left field, even I'M thrown off. That sounds like straight-up parody. You're not reading The Onion now, are you...?
There's some seriously funny shit in this thread. ;p
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33
rtcvb32: Recent interesting developments:
Now you're stealing my show!

But I have reality to trump it all.

Please, PLEASE tell me you know that this man is braindead.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
richlind33: And I know they're both downvoting posts because I caught them in the act. Tiny had the decency to admit it -- Breja didn't.
zeogold: Two downvotes are not enough to make a post "low rated". And I can assure you that neither of them are using alts. You act as if they're somehow out to get you or something, when the reality is that most people who see your flaming tend to downvote you based on that. You're receiving the derepping because of how you conduct yourself.
Dewd, I saw posts turn low-rated 3-4 minutes after they logged on. And I'm not talking about flame posts. First tiny, then Breja. And other people who don't flame at all are getting low-rated.

Do you downvote posts just because you disagree with an opinion? You don't seem like the sort to do that.
Post edited November 06, 2016 by richlind33