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low rated
Cadaver747: Don't be, I'll not post anything here from now on
I want you to still post here, you're one of the reasons I come to this thread.
As far as conspiracies go, this isn't as diabolical as most of the myths out there, but this one's real (if we can call it a conspiracy, which may not be the right term).

I recommend to read the whole piece. Essentially corporations have 2.4 trillion dollars of funds "abroad", which are in reality earned in the US. Clinton (and Trump) want to slash the taxes so that
1) The rich gets incredibly much richer
2) The US gets some money from taxation to fix its bridges falling down and so forth

Pretty typical that the two wings of the American Party are united on policies like this. Yay for democracy!
I don't watch the videos but I check the online paper every day.

On a side note, AND I DON'T WANT TO JINX ANYTHING, has anyone noticed that our friend hasn't posted any of his link rants in going on two days now?

His buddy richlind also vanished but I think that's because his parents got home from their trip to Cancun and cut off is access to the computer. Probably grounded him for a week when they saw the browser history.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: I don't watch the videos but I check the online paper every day.
They barely make any video content anymore, but if you ever watch anything from them "Sex House" is a goddamn masterpiece.

I've been meaning to post Onion links here since forever, thanks for the excuse, I was just afraid that some of it might be taken the wrong way, such as Obama issuing a presidential pardon for Joe Biden.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by DaCostaBR
tinyE: I don't watch the videos but I check the online paper every day.
DaCostaBR: They barely make any video content anymore, but if you ever watch anything from them "Sex House" is a goddamn masterpiece.

I've been meaning to post Onion links here since forever, thanks for the excuse, I was just afraid that some of it might be taken the wrong way, such as Obama issuing a presidential pardon for Joe Biden.
I'm sure some of it will be taken the wrong way, like the people who freaked out when the Onion printed the Senate had taken hostages, barricaded themselves inside the Capital Building, and promised to start executing hostages until the budget was balanced. Several news organizations ACTUALLY TOOK THIS SERIOUSLY!!! XD
low rated
I think I'll be taking a week off from this, need to unwind. Maybe play and beat FF8.
rtcvb32: I think I'll be taking a week off from this, need to unwind. Maybe play and beat FF8.
Don't worry, I got this.

Part 49.5

Today: 1 Nov 2016 – A Game of Gates

The Hour I first Believed (Wally Lamb, 2008): #FirstladyGate: Michelle Obama dating host-rap ropers, #ThielGate: multi-billionaire Peter Thiel shows concern for the poorest of the poor: “Those one-digit millionaires don’t last a single day in the courtroom. Of course I have to finance those”, hashtag #TheList totally not pro-Trump twitter harassment campaign that threatens journalists into compliance, #RobocopGate: Project Lazarus to introduce cybernetic cops, SJWs demand indispensable skin color recognition technology to be removed for some reason or other, #SoJuGate: political correctness runs amok, Walter Sobchak: “bad hombres is not the preferred nomenclature”, #MediaGate: war against the media, which is rigged by the way so good riddance, #VaccinationGate: Hillary will personally stick giant needle in your baby girl’s eyeball and she’s going to get autism (the baby, not Hillary, though wait a minute, you might be on to something there, watch out for tomorrow’s news), #SextingGate: Trump: “I promise I will never be in a sexting scandal folks, I can’t even read or write, did you ever see my signature, I just make a couple of zigzag lines”, #GamerGate: Trump to allow American citizens to fire at will on those monsters that violent video games create, according to him, details plans to outlaw all those creepy video games at first, after careful consideration gradually allow select media back on market that teach patriotic duty, family values and locker room talk.

48 Hours (Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy 1982): #TrekkieGate: After rigged unprovoked attacks from most significant Star Trek actors, Trump finally strikes back, aims to digitally alter 726 previous episodes of the series for future generations: “There really should be more American flags on the Enterprise, I don’t know, this anti-capitalist globalism crap has not been teaching our children good things, these last 50 years”, #RefugeeGate: Something going on in Europe again, it’s those refugees, and they’re up to no good I’m sure of it.

The 11th Hour (© Trilobyte 1995): #BilderbergGate Bilderberg meeting 11/5 to determine election results, confirmed guests include Chuck. E. Rockefeller, Olivier Chariot de Marché, Werner von Steißbein, Enrique el Panadero, Kleetus Verata Nikto, Guido Westerwelle, M. Joseph Jackson, Zoe Tiberius… what? No, not Trump, definitely not Trump, not at all, why would he be in a meeting of influential super-rich people from economy and politics who are obsessed with ruling the world, you’re talking total nonsense man, this is not your area of expertise, better get your brain checked, you have autism from all those vaccinations and you’ve secretly died of fluoride poisoning long ago, shut the fuck up, serves you cuck right that your wife fucks Syrian refugees.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by Vainamoinen
There he is!

Have you read his new book, "How To Blow Off the Truth and Ignore Smarter People"?

It's a real page turner! :D
DaCostaBR: They barely make any video content anymore, but if you ever watch anything from them "Sex House" is a goddamn masterpiece.

I've been meaning to post Onion links here since forever, thanks for the excuse, I was just afraid that some of it might be taken the wrong way, such as Obama issuing a presidential pardon for Joe Biden.
tinyE: I'm sure some of it will be taken the wrong way, like the people who freaked out when the Onion printed the Senate had taken hostages, barricaded themselves inside the Capital Building, and promised to start executing hostages until the budget was balanced. Several news organizations ACTUALLY TOOK THIS SERIOUSLY!!! XD

There's a blog all about people taking the Onion too seriously.
low rated
rtcvb32: I think I'll be taking a week off from this, need to unwind.
I'm going to miss you, but I want to see a new invigorated you on your return.
low rated
rtcvb32: I think I'll be taking a week off from this, need to unwind.
Kleetus: I'm going to miss you, but I want to see a new invigorated you on your return.
We'll see. I think Breja and TinyE are right that I've probably already reached the audience that I'm going to reach (if they want to be reached).

At which point putting the extra hours and work is iffy, my efforts are probably going to make minimal difference in the big picture, or even the little picture. I've really entered this all way too late.

As for being refreshed and invigorated, don't know. I know what I really need, and I'm probably not getting it for a while.
low rated
rtcvb32: .
aj.jpg (36 Kb)
rtcvb32: I think Breja and TinyE are right that I've probably already reached the audience that I'm going to reach (if they want to be reached).

my efforts are probably going to make minimal difference in the big picture, or even the little picture.
Thank you for finally listening to us.
low rated
DaCostaBR: .
I would like to visit your country and wander aimlessly through a favela.