Purduecoz: Found the cause of a network error issue that had been plaguing me for months. When you launch the downloader, if you have a drive letter mapped that you do not have access to (not uncommon in the work environment), the downloader errors out before you even see a window. While I understand the cause, it would be great if the downloader could trap the error and not bomb entirely giving no indication as to why.
This should be resolved on a next update. No ETA at the moment, we're really busy with other things.
Also I recommend not using network drives as a point of download.
TheScorpion: I'm trying to get the beta version, but when I go to account/beta all I see is my regular library, and no "beta"slider to turn on or off. Any idea?
Also I would like to know if the notifications features is already in the beta version, or is not even there yet.
Why are you trying to access the beta page? What kind of notifications are we talking about?
Simplex: I have 60mbit internet connection and it is always maxed out when I download games from Steam.
Few days ago I decided to download Witcher 2 using GoG downloader and I was constantly getting around 6-8mbits download rate. Why so slow?
If you constantly observing a slow download speed (and you suspect it's not a problem on your end), please let our support know about this. If you could provide a trace route to our CDN server and your location, that would be greatly appreciated.
Terminal / Command Prompt:
tracert wpc.11DF.edgecastcdn.net (Windows)
traceroute wpc.11DF.edgecastcdn.net (Mac)