ReynardFox: Oh and on top of how annoying the leisure suit larry collection looks (I still want an answer as to why both versions of the same game now have to be two separate items with
identical boxart), what the hell is up with Two Worlds 2? I buy epic edition and now have 'velvet edition' and 'castle defender.' What?
Also, any unbundled games no longer let me go directly to the gamecard if I wanted to (something I've done more than expected).
This unbundling idea was just awful.
The unbundling idea, and the actual implementation of unbundling are two different things. Opinions definitely vary widely about whether unbundling games is desirable or not, but I think just about everyone is unified in thought that the actual manner in which the changes are being done and the process is somewhat of an epic disaster at this point. :)
If the changes had been completely engineered behind the scenes on a parallel development system, carefully reviewed by quality control to ensure all of the files are present that should be, they're all named properly and usefully, all of the box art is correct, the titles on everything is correct, URLs are present and work that point to the store page for the games, etc. and only then were the changes rolled out to customers relatively glitch-free, they would have had an opportunity to have a lot more people on-board with the changes who otherwise would have been on the fence.
Even though it's been poorly deployed with tonnes of user visible daily breakage though, the unbundling of the games has merits, and most of the drawbacks people have reported are things that could be resolved through other means later on if GOG decides to add the organizational features that allow it to happen.
We can probably all agree now that everyone is alpha testing right now whether they signed up for any test or not though. :)