Posted February 03, 2018
1st video game played: One of the TV transparent overlays used by the Magnavox Oddysey
What year did you first play a video game?: Probably 1977
What other info should we add? Here are some ideas:
Favorite video game of the 1970s, of the 1980s, etc.
Or break down by platform: favorite arcade game, favorite console - or favortie game for each console, favorite home computer for gaming of the 1970s, 1980s, etc.
Favorite game of your first ten years, your teen age years, your 20s, your 30s, etc.
Gaming platforms you currently own.
How many physical games do you own? How many digital? How many games for each console? Etc.
I don't know, what do you think? Can we put together a form and then host a "get-to-know-your-fellow gamers" thread?
1st video game played: One of the TV transparent overlays used by the Magnavox Oddysey
What year did you first play a video game?: Probably 1977
What other info should we add? Here are some ideas:
Favorite video game of the 1970s, of the 1980s, etc.
Or break down by platform: favorite arcade game, favorite console - or favortie game for each console, favorite home computer for gaming of the 1970s, 1980s, etc.
Favorite game of your first ten years, your teen age years, your 20s, your 30s, etc.
Gaming platforms you currently own.
How many physical games do you own? How many digital? How many games for each console? Etc.
I don't know, what do you think? Can we put together a form and then host a "get-to-know-your-fellow gamers" thread?