Konrad: Huh, so this seems a little awkward.
Just to clarify, yeah it was I who messaged TinyE. Probably came off way more harsh than I had intended, but I was mostly hoping reach out, talk, and figure out what's up.
Wasn't intended to be a big, scary warning based on all those... uh... forum rules we have here. Ain't no one getting banned out of the
blue like that.
Good to see some "official" response.
And to avoid future mistakes, you might wanna check these lists (ashamed I even had to point it out to a
blue, also be wary of new account with zero / almost no forum presence, as they would hardly know what a tinyE even is :P):
Known Scammers
Known Scammers Part 2
Known Scammers on GoGwiki Sadly the first two's OPs are outdated, and not really sure about the state of the wiki. But new scammers / NES alts keep being listed in them.
Anyways before warning such a pillar of the community, maybe GoG should go after the actual
known scammers (not supposed to be a lecture or blaming you for anything, just frustration about certain "individuals" having free reign to mess with honest and upstanding users)