the.kuribo: I bought the bundle for The Last Express. I'm pretty oblivious with respect to Android stuff, can you clue me in to why allowing the app to "find account on device" is frowned upon?
It's frowned upon because data mining is frowned upon. An app with these permissions can find out your Facebook, Humble, Amazon accounts, and it usually has no business doing that. Normally a game likely just wants to know your Facebook for integration, or something like that, but for many people (certainly on the GOG forum), Facebook integration would be considered a negative rather than positive feature.
Similarly, a game can ask for your location and it has no business getting that (it's normally used for statistics). Finding out Wi-Fi information can find out networks around you and information on them, map them, etc.
Most apps don't exploit all that information in malicious ways, but I don't want them to ask for it in the first place, and they don't really need it to work. I personally don't mind games gathering statistics on gameplay and performance, since that can help improve the game, so I don't mind if they ask for an internet connection (as long as they work without one), and there are some other permissions which I feel are fine for a game to ask for, but I don't like permissions whose only purpose is to find out information about things unrelated to the game.