kitsuneae: A general windows 10 tip: Do not leave storage media attached if not in use.
If something goes wrong you can lose everything on it. Windows has corrupted one brand new (under 6 month old, under 10 uses!) flash drive I own already. Older Windows versions (pre-7) didn't do this and Linux actually has rescued drives for me. That should say something.
CharlesGrey: I may soon have to install Windows 10 on a new PC myself, as Windows 7 is ( officially ) not Ryzen compatible, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. On the bright side, this mess also convinced me to finally try Linux, and ideally use Windows 10 only as a secondary OS for new PC games.
What happened to your ( external? ) drives?
I think Linux is compatible with Rizen now. If not, it should be patchable to work. Live disks are a great way to check. Dual booting is annoying to set up, but nice if you need OS options. I wish Windows did live disks like Linux does. I don't think it does...
Between the two, Linux really is more stable. At least if something goes wrong in Linux it's usually a dependency error fixable with a few updates/downloads. Mix in easy distributions like Linux Mint and the only reason to ever get Windows 10 is if specific programs or a job requires it.
Anyway, about the dead drive:
I was using a flash drive to work on setting up files to run on an Ouya. The Ouya was a lucky find at a thrift store and fixing it up has been something fun to do in my spare time. Due to the Ouya's age, clumsy file system, and weak specs it makes more sense to get the files together on an outside computer, set them up for the most part on the flash drive, then insert the drive into the ouya to finish the job.
My linux machine got damaged in a recent move leaving me with my Windows 10 laptop as my only working computer. I attached the drive to my Windows 10 laptop and left it in, working on the files when I had spare time. I'm the type that shuts the computer down at the end of the night then boots it up when ready to use it. After a few boots I checked back on my files to work some more and got an error. Windows 10 said the drive needed to be formatted. I could not access the files on the drive. I did the slow and thorough formatting type, hoping that would work. I got the same error: drive can not be read, please format it.
I know it can't be the files I was putting on the drive. I checked all of them and downloaded them from reputable sources. Nothing in them would be able to cause a drive to malfunction anyway as it was generally gaming things and android APKs. The laptop is virus free, so that's not the cause. It is a nearly new flash drive totally unusable for zero reason. Windows somehow killed my flash drive.
I will have to check and probably reformat the drive again once my linux machine is working again. For now, though, I am out of luck.