TheyLive1984: The pretext of use of chemical weapons by Syria is a lie
Will al-Assad and Russia allow an international investigation on the site about this? Or will they claim it can't be done because it wouldn't be fully independent? (see the dismissal of MH17 investigations, pretty much claiming that e.g. the Dutch investigators are lying). I presume Putin would accept investigations only if it was Russia and/or al-Assad alone doing the investigation.
Reading more recent news, now Russia is apparently not claiming anymore that there hasn't been chemical weapons involved, but that they were in the hands of the rebels, and they happened to explode during the bombings by Syria. So the story changes. Ok then, where did the rebels get them? From USA? Or they made them themselves out of thin air?
TheyLive1984: Also one question to the guys saying russia is no democracy: what is your definition of democracy?
I see Russia as kind of a "forced democracy", maybe similar to current Turkey. Meaning, being part of the opposition is made harder, the media is mostly under the strict control of the current rulers (so that it is harder for the opposition to be heard by the public), the courts are anything but independent etc.
Also it is interesting how easily the opposition leaders seem to get shot in "love triangles", or suddenly get quite unexplained serious health problems where their system unexpectedly collapses etc... Being an opposition leader or a strong critic of Putin seems to be quite risky to your health in Russia (and sometimes even abroad), or the very least you can get yourself to court for fabricated charges.
Anyway, most countries get the leaders they deserve, so it is up to Russians themselves to either get their shit together, or live in the withering Putinlandia. Heck, sometimes you don't even need true democracy to do (economically) well, see China, or even Saudi-Arabia.