micktiegs_8: How does everyone feel about the Trump-Taiwan phone call?
China is under communism. Communism equals to fascism, is something akin to a dictatorship and it can for no reason, attack anything that they decide it can "threaten" their absolute grasp on the power grid.
Taiwan has many nationalists, or if you prefer, people who beg to differ from totalitarian communism and that party's central power, iron-fist practice. How strange... Last time i checked my history, communism actively HUNTED and savagely PERSECUTED different opinion politics and people who expressed them! Today, of course, that we are more civilized, the pressure is less physical and more... DIPLOMATIC!
China says it "needs one complete unified China" and "Taiwan clearly belonging completely to china". Remember good old Tibet as well, son? Know that Dalai Lama is persona non grata for china? Know that China needs to rule on Taiwan and Tibet areas and hate with passion any place becoming self-sustained or even slightly independent?
Trump is a nationalist. The president of Taiwan is also a nationalist. There wasn't any good reason that they wouldn't, couldn't or shouldn't, communicate, correct? Or maybe, "democracy" now decides and DICTATES, who calls whom, when exactly and what they can or should talk about; or ever worse, what not? Besides, they weren't plotting something of sorts, they weren't "conspiring" against China's political agenda, they weren't jeopardizing china's interests, so WTF just happened...
Technically, Trump isn't the president just yet. Until the time comes to swear his oath, he ISN'T technically in power, he has no authority yet internationally and everyone claiming he (can) cause a diplomatic issue, is either lying, or propagating, which sadly, is what China currently does.
Trump's phone call was okay. Unfortunately, i can't claim the same, about the marbles of communists... Either reds are getting more and more insane by the day, or they resort to angry and powerful press displays because they feel (or probably even are, in select few extremely rare cases) threatened, just like old fella Kim or something!
For the record, Trump actively seeks to restore good relationships with Russia, went against Hilary's warmongering stunts against China in public speeches and even proposed a meeting for Kim! Strangely, though, press always sweeps under the rag any good intentions the guy has, or even better, actively pursues. ANYTHING, to prove that Trump is the devil himself and that pigs can fly!