mishosonic: I just got added from MCTRELBLE (Notice the extra "L" before the "B", not to be confused with user McTreble) which is on the verified scammers list here: ( MCTRELBLE)
http://www.gogwiki.com/wiki/Known_Scammers Guess it's a good thing I noticed early. He said he had a witcher 3 code and asked for it a wierd price.
He didn't scam me, but I am putting this here as a reminder I guess.
Dgaart: Thanks, he was going to trade me a Xulima key and even provided a (likely altered in Photoshop) image of the game in his orders history. Then I noticed the only recent post by him I could find was him claiming someone's free copy of System Shock 2, so why would he trade Xulima for a bunch of games from the current Steam bundle (which costs a little less than Xulima) and also why would he need a free copy of System Shock 2 if he would have gotten the game for free if he did actually buy games from the GOG store. Glad I saw your post and the list.
The scammers are out in droves, I already lost my most valuable steam key for trade and now people are trying to rip off what else I have left to trade.