Posted July 27, 2018

Bad Hair Day
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Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted July 28, 2018
Well, fronzelneekburm hasn't done a Steam trade from me before, so I was wondering.
We've done a fair amount of trading + seeing the Germany tag (if he;s back there) was a surprise.
We've done a fair amount of trading + seeing the Germany tag (if he;s back there) was a surprise.
Post edited July 28, 2018 by wanderer_27

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted July 28, 2018
Ahh, good old Postal... even a post in the trading thread will generate a bit of lively controversy! ;)
tinyE: I eventually grabbed it on Steam. Just a slightly cleaned up version of the first Postal. Easier to control, better sound effects. Maybe you can answer my question: I was wondering what kind of music Redux has. The original Postal had those delightfully unsettling noises during the loading screens. Are those still there (or better yet: are they included in the soundtrack) or have they replaced it with generic metal?
mike_cesara: If you aren't in rush, I'd advise to you to wait for the next sale. Postal games are on sale very often on Steam.
I still have some unused coins on Steam and I can get one for you then. Thanks for your offer! I might take you up on that if no other offers pop up. ;)
wanderer_27: Well, fronzelneekburm hasn't done a Steam trade from me before, so I was wondering.
We've done a fair amount of trading + seeing the Germany tag (if he;s back there) was a surprise. True that and thanks for your concern! I guess this will be the rare exception where I'm asking FOR a Steam key (I think I did it once before, for DeadOut). Due to the recent hubbub over Paradise Lost, I have a feeling that Redux won't be released here any time soon.
And this is sooo silly. The original Postal is blacklisted in Germany, so RWS putting a region lock on it makes sense. (A region lock on the store page, mind you. Restricting German users from redeeming a key is complete nonsense either way and I don't know of any legal basis that would require this. This game is blacklisted, not banned.) But Redux isn't blacklisted, so removing it is just senseless blind obedience.

I still have some unused coins on Steam and I can get one for you then.

We've done a fair amount of trading + seeing the Germany tag (if he;s back there) was a surprise.
And this is sooo silly. The original Postal is blacklisted in Germany, so RWS putting a region lock on it makes sense. (A region lock on the store page, mind you. Restricting German users from redeeming a key is complete nonsense either way and I don't know of any legal basis that would require this. This game is blacklisted, not banned.) But Redux isn't blacklisted, so removing it is just senseless blind obedience.
Post edited July 28, 2018 by fronzelneekburm

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted July 28, 2018
edit: Sorry, double post.
Post edited July 28, 2018 by fronzelneekburm

Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted July 28, 2018
Post edited August 02, 2018 by rayden54

Mr. Snowman
Registered: Mar 2017
From Other
Posted July 28, 2018

Divinity: Original Sin (GOG preferred)
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (GOG preferred)
My list is currently posted on steamtrades

New User
Registered: Jun 2017
From United States
Posted July 29, 2018
Looking to trade for a few games I would like to get. They are as follows: Expeditions: Conquistador, Wildlife Park 3 Complete, and Battlechasers: Nightwar.
The games I have to trade are Steam based game keys/gifts and are as follows:
Aviary Attorney
Black the Fall
Laser League
Magia 3+Sign of the Times DLC
Lara Croft GO
God Eater 2 Rage Burst
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
AER Memories of Old
Running With Rifles
NBA Playgrounds
Moon Hunters
Kerbal Space Program
Dead Rising 4
Crazy Machines 3
Snake Pass
The Norwood Suite
Life Is Strange Episodes 1-5
Holy POTATOES! We're In Space!
Last Days of June
Lost Castle
The games I have to trade are Steam based game keys/gifts and are as follows:
Aviary Attorney
Black the Fall
Laser League
Magia 3+Sign of the Times DLC
Lara Croft GO
God Eater 2 Rage Burst
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
AER Memories of Old
Running With Rifles
NBA Playgrounds
Moon Hunters
Kerbal Space Program
Dead Rising 4
Crazy Machines 3
Snake Pass
The Norwood Suite
Life Is Strange Episodes 1-5
Holy POTATOES! We're In Space!
Last Days of June
Lost Castle
Post edited July 29, 2018 by mastro_akq

Modding is fun!
Registered: May 2015
From United States
Posted July 29, 2018
Interested in these GOG games from current and former sales:
Grandia II Anniversary Edition (Most wanted)
Xanadu Next
Mages of Mystralia
Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Expansion Pass
Open to other games as well, mostly RPGs/Action RPGs that I don't already own.
Have these GOG game gift codes to trade with: (Willing to trade multiple games within reason)
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded
Alien Shooter + Expansions
(Both GOG game and Hint Book under one Gift Code)
Avadon 3: The Warborn
Avadon 3: Hint Book & Extras
(All three games are Classic Editions, not the Enchanced Editions)
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga
Baldur's Gate 2 Complete
Icewind Dale Complete
Brutal Legend
Distant Worlds: Universe
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
Haegemonia Gold Edition
Last Tinker™: City of Colors, The
Lords of Xulima - Deluxe Edition
(All four GOG games under one Gift Code)
Might and Magic® 6-pack Limited Edition
Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor®
Might and Magic® 8: Day of the Destroyer™
Might and Magic® 9
Night of the Rabbit, The
Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge
Risen 3: Titan Lords - Complete Edition
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition
(Both GOG games under one Gift Code)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Tales from the Borderlands
We are the Dwarves
X3: Terran War Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack
Message me about any deals you want to make and we'll see if we can work something out.
Grandia II Anniversary Edition (Most wanted)
Xanadu Next
Mages of Mystralia
Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Expansion Pass
Open to other games as well, mostly RPGs/Action RPGs that I don't already own.
Have these GOG game gift codes to trade with: (Willing to trade multiple games within reason)
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded
Alien Shooter + Expansions
(Both GOG game and Hint Book under one Gift Code)
Avadon 3: The Warborn
Avadon 3: Hint Book & Extras
(All three games are Classic Editions, not the Enchanced Editions)
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga
Baldur's Gate 2 Complete
Icewind Dale Complete
Brutal Legend
Distant Worlds: Universe
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
Haegemonia Gold Edition
Last Tinker™: City of Colors, The
Lords of Xulima - Deluxe Edition
(All four GOG games under one Gift Code)
Might and Magic® 6-pack Limited Edition
Might and Magic® 7: For Blood and Honor®
Might and Magic® 8: Day of the Destroyer™
Might and Magic® 9
Night of the Rabbit, The
Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge
Risen 3: Titan Lords - Complete Edition
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package
Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition
(Both GOG games under one Gift Code)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
Tales from the Borderlands
We are the Dwarves
X3: Terran War Pack
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack
Message me about any deals you want to make and we'll see if we can work something out.
Post edited July 29, 2018 by gog2002x

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted July 29, 2018
Many thanks for the smooth trade, zxp930603! :)
fronzelneekburm: Maybe you can answer my question: I was wondering what kind of music Redux has. The original Postal had those delightfully unsettling noises during the loading screens. Are those still there (or better yet: are they included in the soundtrack) or have they replaced it with generic metal? Now I can answer my own question: Not only are those samples played during the loading screens included in Redux, they're extended to full-length tracks and they're GODLIKE! Better yet, they're included in the soundtrack! Gog better get a hold of this soon, else their users are seriously missing out!

Registered: Oct 2016
From Croatia
Posted July 29, 2018
Post edited July 30, 2018 by BeatriceElysia

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 31, 2018
Post edited July 31, 2018 by polymerpython

Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted August 02, 2018

Divinity: Original Sin (GOG preferred)
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (GOG preferred)
My list is currently posted on steamtrades

Buridan's Donkey
Registered: Jun 2013
From Germany
Posted August 03, 2018
Have: Wasteland 2 Director's Cut (Humble Bundle)
Want: Age of Wonders 3 (Steam/Humble Bundle or GOG)
Want: Age of Wonders 3 (Steam/Humble Bundle or GOG)
Post edited August 03, 2018 by Zeeaire

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted August 03, 2018
Trade done.
Post edited August 04, 2018 by Grargar