kmcoolice: It's an user named "spxo201". I am gonna put screenshots of our chatting and how he made me fool. :((
kmcoolice: I gave him my 3 steam game keys and I get nothing from him. By the way, is there a website, which could check are my steam keys still valid? I don't wanna checking keys by adding to my steam library. I'm very sorry, but said user is on the verified scammer accounts list on the
GOGWiki page, so you won't receive anything. They scammed user PoooMukkel, as you can see for yourself
and [url=]here (post #4677 of this thread in the first link may require you to find it manually). Sadly, user PoooMukkel apparently didn't do their part, and didn't report this account to GOG at the time, and spxo201 struck again after laying low for a few months.
Even if they weren't on the list, on top of what Starmaker said, this "You can post your keys (i.e. use GOG chat for your part) and leave an email so I can send the giftcode (i.e. but I won't for m part)" was a big fat red flag all on its own.
Please report the scamming account to GOG Support, providing the evidence and demand it to be locked. And see if you can get those Steam keys revoked.
Also, before going through with any future trade, please follow the following:
HEADS UP to all new, and not, to trading:
- Read the rules in
the OP here carefully, and follow rule #6 in every potential trade.
- Check out
this page, and read at least the first two sections, "General advice" and "Spotting impersonating accounts", the links included.
- Don't hesitate to ask for help here, or/and in the
Known Scammers thread.
Do the above three things
before going through with any trade offer. It may spare you the grief of getting scammed.