Tauto: I opted out (before dead line) but still had to show code after the date.Answer me that Einstein.Your theory is way out of line.
Tauto: [...] Hey,Einstein how do opt out when you need to input a code sent to a boggis email?
First off, I've been always respectful in the manner I'm addressing you, so a change in your tone is in order.
Secondly, I also opted out before the deadline, and when I first logged in on Oct 24, I was not asked to go through the process of two-step, nor at any point afterwards. So, empirical evidence, not some theory.
Additionally, see what
Destro pointed out; what you experienced, and some others, was the exception, not the norm. So in general, booggie email or not, if one opted out before the deadline, and wasn't caught in the transitioning phase of their batch, their account would work fine just like before, and no code would be necessary.
On a side note:
Tauto: You see what I mean,they are all mouth.
They may be, but since it bothers you, I'd expect you to not follow suit; we had this discussion before.