gamesfreak64: So you mean that if every member would click on anything in the wishlists so all games got ten thousands of votes it would be considered?
PaterAlf: It doesn't work this way for old games (where we often have a complicated situation with the licenses) or for AAA games of big publishers that are unwilling to do business with GOG. But here we have a game where the developer is willing to release it on GOG and GOG thinks it's too niche. I'm pretty sure they will reconsider if the game gets a lot of votes in the wishlist.
ah, i get it... true thats the way it also seem to go on steam but they blame the greenlight thing, which was rumored to be removed when i was googling for it a long time ago, there were rumors the greenlight thing would disappear.
about niche? what is that? i assume it means there's no real 'market' for it , that it might not sell well?
muntdefems: You know that GOG thoroughly test every game they put up for sale, in all the supported OSes and versions, right? I can definitely see certain costs involved in adding a new game to their catalogue, and I can understand them being cautious if they aren't sure they can recover the "investment" in QA prior to a new release.
I certainly don't want GOG to become just another digital store that uploads whatever they're given by devs. Devs who, for all we know, may not even have bothered to check whether their builds work or not.
the sites that always tell there users that the gamedevs decide what games will come to the site to sell?
i think gamersgate works like that, i dont know for sure, but its been a while since the last new casualgames arrived, and i know from a developer thats also on steam there are more games, and these arent released on GG, so it might be that the companies decide which games will be available to which sites, and if it will be a steam version (keys) or a drm free product.
Like i said i use GG mainly for casualgames, new ones that arent released yet in dutch drm free and on a retail cd/dvd.
And sometime they have nice old 3pp games drm free like the ones i mentioned a few times: secretfiles 1 is drm free at least i could buy it, maybe its not available in all regions, i dont know.
The fact is that if certain old games from a publisher are available DRM free on only certain gamesite(s), and that publisher is also at several other gamesites, all these games should be available drm free aswell on any other site, to any gamesdistribitor cause why would they make a differnce?Why would GG and steam get them and why would they only offer limited games on the others?
So i think the owners/distributors of these drm free games are the ones to blame, and not GOG.
Sometimes these grownup distributors/gamecompanies who create/develop or sell these games look like a bunch of kids and act like 5 year olds, and that is stupid.
But then again if yoy wacth some videos at youtube of our governors, ministers and other people who are 'leading' our country you would see how childish these people behave.
I guess the dutch/belgian members already seen the many videos of our ministers rutte and the other ones who are 'fighting' with words like babies, saying they wont take back things they said unless the other member acts first, pretty childish people.
There are clips were some guys in the government were punching eachother on the face, very funny to see.
If our government already act like kids what can we expect from simple companies who develop games?
These simple people are the boss and they decide what will be released to each site that sells games like
gog, steam , gamersgate and others, and i guess that aslong as its drm loaded anyone can sell anything.
So the main blame is not at GOG.