anothername: I agree to the viewpoint; support it even to some extend.
I would not even do complain if that would have been the reason given. But its not which is why I do.
Currently its not even that its "not for InDevelopment" but not on gog at all.
It has a bunch of red flags and issues.
First, it was supposed to be released Dec 2013, year after it's kickstarter, now it's more than 3 years later. It's been Kickstarted twice (a 2nd time supposedly for additional stretch goals). It was asking for a ridiculously small amount of money in both cases and ultimately only had a little over 1800 backers (1200 & 600). The $30 price tag might also be a little off-putting to GoG given the quality they saw.
Just because a game was Kickstarted, doesn't mean GoG has to take it. Especially when it was only asking for $25,000 in the first place.
But, they could still get on GoG, they will, however, probably have to sell at least 15,000 copies on Steam (or about 13,000 more after backers or another 12,000 or so upon release). I know it's Early Access still but that doesn't seem very likely...
Release date: Feb 4, 2015 Price: $29.99
Owners: 3,457 ± 1,439
So, in the year plus of Early Access, the game has gathered little interest...