babark: As I mentioned on the last(?) page, people keep talking about "SJWs want to ban/censor our games!", and when I pointed out that nobody said any such thing (and asked for someone saying such a thing), no response was given.
"Infamous" Anita has never asked a game to be banned or censored, to my knowledge. "Dirty corrupt unethical" Polygon, Kotaku, Gamasutra, VG24/7 (never heard of that last one before this, but I'm willing to throw it into the mix) have never asked for a game to be banned or censored.
Even the stuff about "Gamers are dead". I mocked and laughed at "Gamers" in their mom's basements who boasted their KD ratios in CoD while yelling about copulating with my mother, and lamented that their tanks were taking the brunt of aggro to the healer's HoT in WoW (dunno the slang, don't care), long before GamersGate or those articles were a thing.
And I've been playing video games close to 30 years now. I'm HAPPY that those people don't represent my hobby, and I'm HAPPY that more people appreciate this wonderful medium like I do, I'm not jealous or angry that more women or diverse people are getting into it (as some people in this thread explicitly stated they are). That's a GOOD thing, not a bad thing.
Just because you love a game, just because you feel a game is great, doesn't mean that you can't point out problematic aspects of it. Mario's entire genesis being a typical and boring "Save the Princess" storyline doesn't take away from it being a great game (I lie, Mario sucks, Sonic is king). Just because the Witcher 3 is called out for not featuring diverse characters doesn't mean it isn't a great game (I dunno, I haven't played it yet). Gaming media isn't an either/or thing. Making games for a more diverse audience doesn't mean not making games for men or white people or white men. Nobody is taking away anything from you.
This is the problem I have with so much "Gamergater" stuff. It's built on nonsense. If the alternative is being an "SJW", and people are using that as a derogatory term, then so be it. I've constantly heard the refrain in this thread similar to "GOG WHY DID YOU KOWTOW TO THESE PEOPLE, THESE PEOPLE AREN'T EVEN YOUR CUSTOMERS, US GAMERGATERS ARE!".
Well, I'm not a "gamergater" in the least, and I'm a happy gog customer (most of the time. Fix your stuff, gog). And from seeing the people in this thread who've expressed the same as me, gog has understood its customer base perfectly, so thanks!
Yes, this. Criticism is not censorship, and criticising things doesn't mean that the people who are criticising something don't also appreciate that thing in other ways. I have plenty of criticisms of Banjo-Kazooie (like the terrible decision to use flat 2D objects in a 3D game), but I also think it's a great game. There's absolutely no reason why I can't criticise other games for other reasons, and the idea that having such criticisms means I don't play game is ridiculous.
(Though, if you want to say that I don't, I'm happy to provide evidence of my collection. In fact, anyone on the GOG Discord voice chat will have already seen the random piles of games that clutter my surfaces.)