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To provide our community with the best possible experience both on GOG and GOG GALAXY is one of our strongest driving forces. We’ve brought some new changes and enhancements into the latest GOG GALAXY Update to take one step further to achieve it! Let’s see what they are.

When logging into the GOG GALAXY you’ll most likely notice that the “Report a bug” option is no longer there. And that’s very much intentional. We’re improving our tickets submission system so that it can be quicker, more efficient and better address any issues that our community may encounter. From now on, if you’d like to report any bugs feel free to do so by using the “Get support” option. You can access it in its original location, which is by clicking the gear icon in the upper left corner and finding it just below the “Share feedback”.

We pay very close attention to any issues you report and attach high importance to resolving them as quickly as we can (thus the submission system changes). We know that one of such issues was a reported problem of nested context menus (like tag selection list) not being scrollable. We are happy to say that we’ve managed to fix it and it should work as intended!

Latest update has also fixed the issues preventing GOG GALAXY (2.0.60 and onward) from updating – so you’re not missing out on any improvements – as well as problems with game installations sometimes failing after resuming. We’ve also made significant changes to the underlying network stack and that means you should be able to experience reduced CPU usage or faster downloads!

There’s even more goodness within the update so make sure to check it out and let us know how you like it!
avatar We’ve also made significant changes to the underlying network stack [...]
Well that sounds rather scary... hope it pans out well.
high rated
It is supposed to "be quicker, more efficient and better address any issues", and yet I cannot seem to reach the bug tracker from "Get Support" at all.

Are you sure this is not just "make the process so convoluted the user gives up before they can bother us"?

... "Contact us" btw. leads to a chatbot that, even if accessed from the GoG Galaxy category, has NO SUCH TOPIC in its list of known topics. It offers exactly:
- next sale
- money back
- account access
- game does not start

So at the very least, this feature is not yet ready to go live: You have not wired all the parts.
high rated
avatar Latest update has also fixed the issues preventing GOG GALAXY from updating – so you’re not missing out on any improvements
You may have fixed some of the issues, but not all of them. I've just had GALAXY fail to update twice in a row. Same generic "There was a problem with updating the application error".
high rated
This is a good one GOG:

"We pay very close attention to any issues you report and attach high importance to resolving them as quickly as we can (thus the submission system changes)."

I have reported (multiple times btw) that hiding and tagging per platform is not possible YEARS ago. Waiting for this to get fixed every single update and got disappointed every single update. Also, it has been reported since at least a year ago that it is not possible to install a game on Galaxy without installing any available DLC as well.

If THIS is what you call "as quickly as we can" I'd suggest these devs to get a new job. At least in my world you get money for things you actually DO and not for those you read and ignore for years.
avatar Latest update has also fixed the issues preventing GOG GALAXY from updating – so you’re not missing out on any improvements
Mortius1: You may have fixed some of the issues, but not all of them. I've just had GALAXY fail to update twice in a row. Same generic "There was a problem with updating the application error".
"We pay very close attention to any issues you report and attach high importance to resolving them as quickly as we can (thus the submission system changes)."

I wonder - will the issue with forced cloud sync whenever launching a custom exe be fixed at all, or are we just supposed to accept that as one of many quirks of getting our games on GOG and using Galaxy.
Because, like Marko, I wish to see it resolved with every new patch you release, and every single time I get disappointed.
Post edited February 28, 2023 by Andrzejef
The doublespeak here is offputting.

Took 19 hours apparently for Doom 3 (original) installers to be added to people's accounts after release. Must be a new record surely.
I'd add that you should definitely include an option to edit tags and possibly apply the tags in bulk. When you have hundreds of games already tagged and for some reason you want to change the tag name, for now there is no other way but to remove and put the tags back on the games one by one.
avatar We know that one of such issues was a reported problem of nested context menus (like tag selection list) not being scrollable.
We are happy to say that we’ve managed to fix it and it should work as intended!
Wait! What!?
Galaxy has a scrollable tag list?
Zsar1: Are you sure this is not just "make the process so convoluted the user gives up before they can bother us"?
This is my take as well. Previously issues went into a real ticketing system with auto attachments of logs. If your internal ticketing system can't handle multiple priorities and auto-assignment, you have a lot more problems. This definitely feels more like "sweep under the rug" or "we don't have anyone assigned to triage reports"
avatar Latest update has also fixed the issues preventing GOG GALAXY (2.0.60 and onward) from updating
Aaaand.... Fails to update....
Like every update. I had an error installing it. I had to go download "gog galaxy" on your site to fix the problem.

Otherwise something else. It's nice to have added a button to get to the support page faster. But a small suggestion, it would be nice if you take into account the language of the user when it leads to the page. Because in my case the page leads to the English page while there are other languages supported.
Alexim: I'd add that you should definitely include an option to edit tags and possibly apply the tags in bulk. When you have hundreds of games already tagged and for some reason you want to change the tag name, for now there is no other way but to remove and put the tags back on the games one by one.
Could not agree more on this. Definitely needed, either by selecting in bulk (desirable) or at least by having some way to edit the existing tag. The second option is more limited, though, but maybe easier to implement.
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