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high rated

Always attach your logs when reporting bugs. You can find them at:
On Windows Vista or later: C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\Logs
On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\\Galaxy\Logs
On MacOSX: /Users/Shared/


Hi, everyone!

The Galaxy team is hard at work to bring you the Client application that will let you manage your games library more conveniently. We’d love for the initial release experience to be as smooth and streamlined as possible for everyone, but releasing an app of this scope is no easy feat.

But before we jump in and hand out the alpha Client, we’d like to set some ground rules.

1) The key word here is ‘alpha’, which means that this is not the final app and not all functionalities are present. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the core tech in the Client on a wider set of computer configurations than what we can locally test on, so only core features are included. Below I will post a detailed list of what is present and what we plan to add in future releases.

2) Alpha also means that you can encounter some unexpected issues. If you have a metered connection (a bandwidth cap or payments per bandwidth used) or you’re currently playing and can’t afford a loss of game time, this might not be for you. In other words, if you want to avoid potential problems with the alpha Client, simply wait for the final release.

3) Please, please, please refrain from posting screenshots, reviews or first impressions, both on our forums or elsewhere, as this is not the final product and many changes will still be made.

If you’ve read all of the above proceed to the signup page:

We will be sending out invitations in batches (along with some more info on how to install the client and report bugs), so not everyone will receive one right away.
Post edited May 02, 2015 by Destro
high rated
Hi everyone,

we've released the 0.7 version a couple of minutes ago, here's the changelog:

- Back/Forward navigation in the Store section
- Import Folder - it is now possible to import a game which is not compatible with the client, by clicking the game in the Library section and choosing ‘Import Folder’ from the More dropdown
- Startup page option - it is now possible to decide if the client should start on LIBRARY page, STORE page, or continue previous session
- Search option - you can press enter in the search field to continue searching in the Store
- Option to Show Game Folder added to MORE menu
- New sidebar sorting options (sort by name)
- External links will now be forwarded to the system browser
- Wishlist option added to the LIBRARY menu
- Community option in the STORE menu
- Forum Replies option in the ACCOUNT menu
- Option to keep saves, when uninstalling a game
- Windows: starting the client when another instance is already running should now open the running instance (rather than displaying error message)
- Improved ‘Last Played’ information, which should now show the time of the user stopped playing the game, rather than started playing the game
- Fixed uninstallation issues on Windows
- Fixed an issue which prevented using Paypal, when buying a game
- Fixed an issue which prevented from displaying Terms and Agreements when registering new account
- Fixed some issues when installing and uninstalling DLCs
- Bugfix: client will now not allow dragging elements onto its window
- Fixed memory leaks, causing to crash the application when downloading lots of games
- Fixed a bug which was causing the client to crash on exit
- Fixed an issue, which sometimes caused the client to duplicate the news on game view
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Destro
high rated

1. For GOG games installed using installers from the last few months (so called Galaxy-compatible installers)
Click the "+" button on top of the sidebar and select "scan and import folders" - it will find all compatible games within that folder and add them to the Client.

2. For remaining GOG game INSTALLATIONS
Find the game in the Library, then click the More button and select "Manage" -> "Import folder" and point the folder selector into the folder where that game is installed.
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Destro
vsr: I'm not against Galaxy's multiplayer. I need a possibility to have vanilla multiplayer, multiplayer which was developed long before Galaxy (and still working - like LAN), LAN multiplayer which doesn't force you to login to Galaxy. To have independent multiplayer via private LAN (OpenVPN, tungle, hamachi).
Take a look at Double Dragon reviews here on GOG.
If a game offers a LAN multiplayer option, then Galaxy is not required. So older games that already have multiplayer are not affected.

Newer games (like Double Dragon or The Witcher Adventure Game) use Galaxy for online multiplayer.
vsr: Take a look at Double Dragon reviews here on GOG.
Double Dragon didn't have online multiplayer before (they are the arcade versions). You can still play multiplayer on Double Dragon Trilogy on the same computer, contrary to what the reviews say.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by Grargar
vsr: I'm not against Galaxy's multiplayer. I need a possibility to have vanilla multiplayer, multiplayer which was developed long before Galaxy (and still working - like LAN), LAN multiplayer which doesn't force you to login to Galaxy. To have independent multiplayer via private LAN (OpenVPN, tungle, hamachi).
Take a look at Double Dragon reviews here on GOG.
Venom: If a game offers a LAN multiplayer option, then Galaxy is not required. So older games that already have multiplayer are not affected.

Newer games (like Double Dragon or The Witcher Adventure Game) use Galaxy for online multiplayer.
Ok, sounds good.
But Aliens Versus Predator actually had LAN multiplayer.
vsr: But Aliens Versus Predator actually had LAN multiplayer.
Not the Classic 2000 version. You can thank/blame Rebellion for this.
Post edited May 05, 2015 by Grargar
Dear GOG, please start sending your emails with a plaintext-section, too. Thanks.
vsr: But Aliens Versus Predator actually had LAN multiplayer.
Grargar: Not the Classic 2000 version. You can thank/blame Rebellion for this.
Really? I'll check this out later. If i'll manage to find non-gog's game. :D
vicng93: Hi, will I need to reinstall the beta version of Galaxy if I already have the Alpha installed?
Fallen_Zen: No, self-update :)
almogo: I too really want to know this. I initially though that Galaxy will auto-discover all the GOG games I already have installed but sadly that is not the case.
Fallen_Zen: The client has "Scan and Import" functionality for supported games and "Import Folder" for games from older, not compatible with GOG Galaxy installers.
Yeah I'm not doing to click import folder on 330 individual games. That's REALLY disappointing.
vsr: Really? I'll check this out later. If i'll manage to find non-gog's game. :D
The Gold Edition you linked above is exclusive to the Zoom Platform store.
almogo: I too really want to know this. I initially though that Galaxy will auto-discover all the GOG games I already have installed but sadly that is not the case.
Eventually it will. Each game installer contains metadata about the game which Galaxy uses to detect and manage it. If you have older versions of the games installed it can't easily auto-detect them but you can manually add them by scanning. Click on the big + in the upper left area of the app. It is not foolproof yet (it is alpha... and well now beta), but this will of course improve over time as well.
vsr: Really? I'll check this out later. If i'll manage to find non-gog's game. :D
Grargar: The Gold Edition you linked above is exclusive to the Zoom Platform store.
Ok, thank you.
So since I'm not seeing an update from alpha to beta, I assume we have to submit ourselves again for the beta and re-download?
vsr: I'm not against Galaxy's multiplayer. I need a possibility to have vanilla multiplayer, multiplayer which was developed long before Galaxy (and still working - like LAN), LAN multiplayer which doesn't force you to login to Galaxy. To have independent multiplayer via private LAN (OpenVPN, tungle, hamachi).
Take a look at Double Dragon reviews here on GOG.
Yes, and since GOG is not the developer or publisher of the overwhelming games they sell here they equally do not control what multiplayer features the actual developer of the game chooses to include in the games either. I totally agree that it is desireable to have a private LAN mode of multiplayer for as many games as possible where it makes technical sense (which is probably the majority of older games and most newer ones too), but that is ultimately something the developer/publisher decide whether they will provide support for or not. GOG does not have any control over what they decide.

While I'd prefer publishers to add LAN support to their games, whether or not they actually decide to do that or not I'd also much rather a publisher add Galaxy multiplayer support to their game when bringing it to (such as Aliens vs. Predator 2000 Classic) than bringing it to as a single-player only game (such as the two Full Spectrum Warrior games both of which have included Steam Multiplayer support if you buy them on Steam, which incidentally is where I decided to buy them to get multiplayer support), or to not bring them to at all period due to lack of a multiplayer framework existing here (pre-galaxy) which is what some other publishers have decided to do.

The beauty of a publisher actually bringing their game to the store whether or not they choose to include multiplayer and whether or not they use Galaxy multiplayer (with or without any other options) is that the game is now available on for people who want to buy it DRM-free on instead of having to go buy it on Steam.

If Full Spectrum Warrior games had Galaxy multiplayer built in, I'd have bought them here instead of on Steam for sure. There are other games on that have no multiplayer even though the game originally did have multiplayer such as Gamespy that is now defunct. Any game that uses Galaxy multiplayer on *instead* of Gamespy or some other 3rd party fly by night service is a superior product in my own eyes as a consumer and I'll be more likely to buy it. Others may choose another path of course and that's their freedom. The way it is now, each person actually has the opportunity to choose and nobody is ever forced to buy something that they don't want, but if the option is not even there to begin with then someone who wants something has no option to even buy it at all.

Dream options for multiplayer are wonderful in one's mind's eye of course but they aren't available for purchase either. I'll take something that is actually available for purchase over a fantasy idea any day. :)
BKGaming: So since I'm not seeing an update from alpha to beta, I assume we have to submit ourselves again for the beta and re-download?
They've said the client will update itself, although it might take a while.
BKGaming: So since I'm not seeing an update from alpha to beta, I assume we have to submit ourselves again for the beta and re-download?
rodrolliv: They've said the client will update itself, although it might take a while.
Damn thanks, guess I shouldn't have hit join the beta then. >.>
still no update (and no email)