It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated


Please use: and include
1. steps to reproduce the bug (if possible)
2. screenshot or movie showing the bug (if possible)
3. Galaxy Client logs (see below)

Where can I find Galaxy logs on my computer?
On Windows 7 or later: C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\Logs
On Mac OS X: /Users/Shared/


Please use: For feature suggestions and votes on them please try do explain how Galaxy and its users will really benefit from it.


1. For GOG games installed using installers from the last few months (so called Galaxy-compatible installers)
Click the Galaxy logo button on top of the sidebar and select "scan and import folders" - it will find all compatible games within that folder and add them to the Client.

2. For remaining GOG game INSTALLATIONS
Find the game in the Library (click on the image of the game), then click the More button and select "Manage Installation" -> "Import folder" and point the folder selector into the folder where that game is installed.

- throttling max download speed is not yet possible
- notifications related to incoming chat messages and friend requests does not always disappear instantly when consumed and may require reloading Store page
- games imported from existing installations will auto-update once, even if updating is disabled
- Moving Galaxy from /Applications on Mac OS X will stop the app from working
- Galaxy cannot be launched by other users on the same computer
Post edited October 03, 2016 by Liosan
high rated
Hi Everyone,

Below you can find the changelog of GOG Galaxy.

Changelog 1.1.15 (September 7th, 2016):
Changes / Improvements:
• Added Wallet button in dropdown menu under user's avatar
• Performance improvements on UI speed and a little on CPU usage
• Enabled copying text in Galaxy forums
• History will now remember only the 100 most recent pages in history
• Fix for "Disk access problem" bug, which broke installation and updates of games. (Bug happened on Windows only, but general mechanism is better on OS X as well)
• Fix for Verify/Repair, which did not work in some scenarios (The above bug for example)
• Fix for "Server problem" while downloading backup installers or other goodies. They will now work, even if temporary download folder is same as destination folder
• Fixed situations in which Store page sometimes did not load properly after waking up computer

Changelog 1.1.16 (September 19th, 2016):
• Galaxy now supports H.264 codecs
• Much better handling of paying using third party processors (PayPal, paysafecard etc.)
• Friends and chat window now scale with the system scaling factor
• New and prettier GOG Eula will be used in games
• Better handling of loading timeouts

• "INSTALLED" label will appear all pages of the library now
• Fixed a bug with game time tracking for some games. Galaxy will now register more than one minute:)
• Fixed a bug in which Galaxy in rare cases could not be able to update the game (bug rather existed in rollbacks)
• Galaxy will no longer show a little bit of bare code upon launching
• Fixed blurred images in sidebar expanded list mode

Changelog 1.1.17(hotfix September 20th, 2016):
• Fixed crashes and 'Disk Access Problem' caused by updating Galaxy from 1.1.12 (and earlier versions) to 1.1.16

Changelog 1.1.18 (October 19th, 2016):
• More accurate game time tracking mechanism
• Improved mechanism showing current online status between friends

• Fixed a bug which caused Galaxy to stop tracking game time

Changelog 1.1.19 (October 25th, 2016):
• We have removed download size from Galaxy updater. It showed faulty data, as Galaxy Updater doesn't download > 100mb each time and only downloads differences. It will come back in nearest future, when it will show correct data:)
• The first check for game updates will be done 15s after Galaxy starts, instead of 5 minutes.
• OSX: Improved mechanism responsible for removing old files left by Galaxy updates
• OSX: Improved the way Galaxy handles installing games into protected locations like /Applications; you will receive a password prompt about a "Helper tool" installation

• Fixed "Essential components missing" error which sometimes appeared after fresh installation
• Fixed a situation where failure in Updater could lead to Galaxy not being able to launch
• Fixed self-update on OSX to properly delete leftover files
• Fixed friends window losing functionality after network loss and reconnect
• Fixed blurry Windows 10 Galaxy tray icon
• Galaxy will remember maximised window status

Changelog 1.1.20(November 2nd, 2016)
• Fixed installing XNA4 and other msi-based dependencies.
• Store page won't be reloaded twice upon logging in

Changelog: 1.1.21 (November 17th, 2016)
Improvements / changes:
• Added "with preview updates" suffix to Galaxy window title
• Small optimizations with memory and Galaxy loading time
• Small improvements with updater, it should fail less

• Fixed a bug with Galaxy refreshing pages
• Fixed occasional crashes

Changelog 1.1.22 (November 22nd, 2016)
• Galaxy will no longer freeze when downloading a game update and checking another game in library
• Galaxy should crash even less now:)

Changelog 1.1.23 (November 28th, 2016)
• Galaxy will be now able to reconnect to internet correctly, if computer was put to sleep and then woken up without (initially) Internet connection
• Downloading of games/updates should have less impact on starting other installations

Changelog 1.1.24(December 6th, 2016)
• Downloading an installer with Galaxy and using it to install the game should not result in redownloading the whole game again
• Updater should no longer report over 100% progress on download

• Increased timeout for failures during sign in
• Increased timeout for "Loading Timeout"

Changelog 1.1.25 (December 20th, 2016)
• Fixed a crash when trying to install certain games (Game affected was 1979 Revolution: Black Friday).

Changelog 1.1.26 (December 23rd, 2016, Preview only)
• Introduced new downloading mechanism

Changelog 1.1.27 (January 26th, 2017, Preview)
• Aborting or pausing downloads will be smoother (They will stop faster)
• Pausing downloads will no longer cause memory usage to go super high

Changelog 1.1.27 (January 31th, 2017)
• Introduced new downloading mechanism
• Aborting or pausing downloads will be smoother (They will stop faster)
• Pausing downloads will no longer cause memory usage to go super high

Changelog 1.1.28 (March 10th, 2017)
Changes / Improvements:
- Better support for differential patches. They are now seperate depending on game's language and system bitness
- Italian & Japanese partial support + more Spanish translations
- Improved checking for new available updates of the games
- We'll sort available DLCs alphabetically
- Fixed a crash when Galaxy doesn't have permissions to the logs directory
- Fixed showing empty grey page after a while of inactivity
- Fixed infinite spinner after going to support page
- Fixed displaying of prices in cart when they were over 999 (Bug caused by a comma in the price)
- MacOS: Popup windows (for example chat) will no longer open as a tab but as a separate window instead
- MacOS: Fixed memory leak (~30MB upon GOG Galaxy launch)
- MacOS: Fixed memory leak while playing a game

Changelog 1.1.29 (March 14nd, 2017)
- Changes in downloading mechanism, which allows for better control over download's flow
- Fixed displaying progress of differential patches (It did not display the "Extracting" status)

Changelog 1.1.30 (March 16th, 2017)
- Fixed a crash within games downloading mechanism


Go to your Galaxy settings and check the option to receive preview updates.

- Uninstall Galaxy
- Download current installer from
- Install Galaxy
- Import your games

Changelog 1.2.0 (March 22nd, 2017)
Changes and improvements:
- Cloud saves backup and syncing (supported games only)
- Screenshot capture with F12 (supported games only)
- In-game overlay with FPS counter and notifications (supported games only)
- Greatly improved chat, also in overlay
- Ability to enable or disable achievements, game time tracking, auto-updating games and more
- Desktop and in-game notifications system
- Ability to set bandwidth limit and scheduler
- New settings window
- Rarity information in achievements
- Abort button next to installation status
- Only one Galaxy Updater window will be shown in most cases
- GOG Galaxy updates will be downloaded in the background
- Games are now downloaded directly to their install directory, instead of a temporary location
- Galaxy changelog is displayed in Galaxy

- Fixed game time tracking issues
- Initial size of Galaxy Client window will respect Windows scaling
- Improved Windows 10 Galaxy tray icon
- Fixed a bug which caused Galaxy to redownload whole data in case of a failure of installation/update
- Thumbnail highlighting in media gallery now works properly
- Decreased client's network and CPU usage (especially for a lot of games)
- MacOS: Fixed situation when Galaxy Client could downloading due to App Nap
- MacOS: Fixed crash when logging out with "New post" popup open
- MacOS: Fixed game processes not being properly cleaned up after exiting
Post edited March 22, 2017 by TheTomasz
high rated
For everyone who has a problem with missing api-ms-crt dlls in Client's versions post 1.1.5:
Please install one of those windows update:
You may need to update Windows to meet the requirements for these:
For Windows 8.1 and for Windows Server 2012:
For Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2:

You can also try reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables 2015 (x86) if you meet above requirements.
Available here:

If above instructions doesn't work for you, create a separate issue on and we'll try to help you individually.

Please note that this solution only helps with the missing api-ms-crt dlls.


Answering this question: Why 1.1 doesn't work after updating to 1.2?

This is happening probably due to incompatible database from version 1.2, please delete this folder:

Then you'll have to use scan&import (menu under the top Galaxy logo) function to see your games back in Galaxy Client.
Post edited March 27, 2017 by TheTomasz
The import feature does not work for me. I have most of my GOG from the past few years installed, but not synced with Galaxy. Galaxy does not recognize the install folders, despite me trying to link to them. It will almost always just try to reinstall the entire game.
dm36: The import feature does not work for me. I have most of my GOG from the past few years installed, but not synced with Galaxy. Galaxy does not recognize the install folders, despite me trying to link to them. It will almost always just try to reinstall the entire game.
There are two ways to import, the global import where you give it the upper level directory where your various games are installed into subdirectories underneath, and the per-game import. For whatever reasons, the global import does not always work for every single game. It could be that the installer that was used to install the game was an old download from prior to the installers getting updated with Galaxy metadata so that Galaxy can find them on its own, or it could be some other unknown reason.

For games that do not import with the global import, simply go in your GOG library view, find the game or type part of its name into the filter box, then click on the game graphic to go to the install page, click on the "More" button, then "Manage Installation" and then "Import Folder", then browse to the exact folder the game is installed to and hit Ok or whatever to proceed.

Normally if global import fails, the manual import will work. If manual import does not work, then there is no easy way to import the game that I'm aware of and you'll need to uninstall the game and reinstall it either via Galaxy, or by downloading the newest installers for the game and installing it manually and trying to import again.

Hope this helps.
Hope this is the right thread but here goes:

I installed Galaxy, just to get System Shock 2 yesterday. I really like it!

But, I had a heap of problems with it when I installed it previously, game time tracking, not finding games etc.

I read through the last half dozen pages or so and it seems that these problems haven't really been fixed. I'm running Windows 10, so I would love some feedback on whether or not it's worth keeping installed.

I haven't added games to it, because I have just had to reinstall Witcher 3 again because of an issue with the expansion packs and last time I had to download all my GOG games again as Galaxy wasn't finding them.

So - in most people's opinions, is it worth using?
Post edited June 10, 2016 by Nemesis44UK
dm36: The import feature does not work for me. I have most of my GOG from the past few years installed, but not synced with Galaxy. Galaxy does not recognize the install folders, despite me trying to link to them. It will almost always just try to reinstall the entire game.
What i did:
1. Start die game installation in Galaxy.
2. Quit Galaxy after it has started the download.
3. copy and paste your installed game data into the download folder created by galaxy.
After pasting you will have the same file names multiple times since the downloaded ones have a different file extension.
4. start galaxy.

Galaxy will recognize the new files and move everything like it's suppost to. After that you should do a verify to make sure everything is up2date.
Post edited June 10, 2016 by Loose_Control
Here is another problem:

The client acts like an idle program when downloading, so it will be shutdown by power saving and sleep mode... you have to disable sleep mode on your machine, otherwise there won't be many things downloaded in a session...

There must be an option for ppreventing sleep mode on a machine as long as the download queue is active.
Nikaas: On my account all games stay at 0.
mike_cesara: Could you please post list of games you've tried so far?

I can say for sure as i tried all of them yesterday - Fallout 1, FTL, Lands of Lore 1, Lands of Lore 2, VVVVVV
Post edited June 10, 2016 by Nikaas
mike_cesara: Could you please post list of games you've tried so far?

Nikaas: I can say for sure as i tried all of them yesterday - Fallout 1, FTL, Lands of Lore 1, Lands of Lore 2, VVVVVV
Hmm.. Is that Interplay or Bethesda version of Fallout?
Sadly I don't have other titles you mentioned and can't check, but as far as I can remember Sudeki is the one making problems for me..
IFW: Here is another problem:

The client acts like an idle program when downloading, so it will be shutdown by power saving and sleep mode... you have to disable sleep mode on your machine, otherwise there won't be many things downloaded in a session...

There must be an option for ppreventing sleep mode on a machine as long as the download queue is active.
Search the Galaxy feature wishlist to see if anyone has requested that already, and if not feel free to add it as a new feature request for future consideration, it seems reasonable.
Nikaas: I can say for sure as i tried all of them yesterday - Fallout 1, FTL, Lands of Lore 1, Lands of Lore 2, VVVVVV
mike_cesara: Hmm.. Is that Interplay or Bethesda version of Fallout?
Sadly I don't have other titles you mentioned and can't check, but as far as I can remember Sudeki is the one making problems for me..
It's named "Fallout Classic".

Other games I can check - Pid, The Witcher, Ultima 4, Trine, System Shock 2, Dungeon Keeper Gold, Braid, Bit.Trip Runner
I keep getting an error when trying to install the GOG Galaxy client.

I've attached a picture of it.


Oh just saw the post by TomaszGOG
Post edited June 10, 2016 by 8BitGinno

I just noticed that when trying to play Pool of Radiance from the Forgotten Realms: The Archives - Collection Two I can't start the codewheel application from within Galaxy after starting the game (or vice versa). So I have to start the codewheel application from the game's folder manually. Would be great if this could be fixed :)
Nikaas: I can say for sure as i tried all of them yesterday - Fallout 1, FTL, Lands of Lore 1, Lands of Lore 2, VVVVVV
Strange, I can say that FTL time tracking *does* work on my machine.
Nikaas: I can say for sure as i tried all of them yesterday - Fallout 1, FTL, Lands of Lore 1, Lands of Lore 2, VVVVVV
a_lemming: Strange, I can say that FTL time tracking *does* work on my machine.
I can also confirm that FTL tracks my playtime correctly.
8BitGinno: I keep getting an error when trying to install the GOG Galaxy client.

I've attached a picture of it.


Oh just saw the post by TomaszGOG
Run Windows update, and install the Microsoft C runtime library update that is available.
mike_cesara: Hmm.. Is that Interplay or Bethesda version of Fallout?
Sadly I don't have other titles you mentioned and can't check, but as far as I can remember Sudeki is the one making problems for me..
Nikaas: It's named "Fallout Classic".

Other games I can check - Pid, The Witcher, Ultima 4, Trine, System Shock 2, Dungeon Keeper Gold, Braid, Bit.Trip Runner
I just checked three games from your list,
Dungeon Keeper - no problems at all
Fallout Classic - work like a charm
System Shock 2 - comes with launcher and didn't count the time for me, can anyone check that one?
Could you start Fallout and alt+tab to see if Play button stays grey?

Looks like something on your side, please, report the issue on mantis and attach your logs, instructions on the top of this page, in blue.
You may also try disabling your firewall start the game for a minute or two and see if that helps.