Rodzaju: Once someone starts throwing menu spam at me, I make it a policy to never play that person again.
So I guess I'm out.
For the most part, it has been fun.
JudasIscariot: May I ask what do you mean by menu spam? I have never seen this...
My last game against E_A.
Turn 16, I have blitzed his mino & am about to foul him.
He brings up the menu repeatedly.
This is a popular griefing method in some parts of the game but I had never expected to see it here.
Most players try to keep their clicking close to the centre of the screen (easier to see, away from the "end turn" button, etc.
When you bring up the menu, the "Abandon Game" button is now exactly dead centre of screen.
It is very easy for the unwitting victim to accidentally abandon the game if they are in the middle of an action (as I was) when the menu pops up unexpectedly.
Even if you avoid that particular pitfall, having the menu appear repeatedly when you are trying to perform an action (If the other guy brings up the menu, you cannot get rid of it except by abandon game until 30 seconds have passed) is very distracting, extremely annoying and universally hated.
In another league I play in (Where they take things a little more seriously) menu spam is cause for instant and permanent ban from the league.
I do not expect that to happen here, but I will refuse to play against someone who does this.