Pangaea666: Apparently I have some problems with Python3. Version 2.7 is installed as part of the Linux Mint 19.3 distro that I'm running, and I have version 3.6.9 as well. I thought about having another go at Witcher 3, and noticed that the Witcher 3 Mod Manager now has Linux support, at least partially. However, it requires Python3.7, which may be why I wasn't able to run it properly. i get an error message about lacking "" after running the command (from the readme file) of:
pipenv run python
The mod manager in question: Earlier I installed mods manually, which worked, but is a bit of a pain, especially when coupled with having to use ScriptMerger on some of the stuff. Would therefore be nice if this mod manager worked, and did most of the heavy lifting, because I see there are some updates to the mods I used, such as Ghost Mode.
There are so many recommendations for how to upgrade or install python, but most are different, which leaves some of us rather confused and unsure how to proceed. Even more so when some of the people say it's easy to break the system by installing a second Python (in addition to the 2.7 version that apparently Mint depends on (and Ubuntu?)).
Of course it's entirely possible I've done something else wrong that caused this mod manager to fail to load properly. It does look pretty sweet, though, and I was really glad to see it has gotten Linux support now (via the aforementioned fork).

dtgreene: The best way to run a newer Python version is, honestly, to just use a Linux distro that's up-to-date enough to have it available.
Linux Mint 20.1 is a long term support release, so you should consider updating to it; it should have a newer Python version.
Ended up upgrading, just to see if I could get this darn thing working. I'm on Linux Mint 20.1 now, but there was a catastrophic failure along the way (PC refused to boot), so had to timeshift back. Looks like it's time to give up on the mod manager issue, as I simply can't get it to run natively in Linux. Get an error message like this (plus more lines), which apparently can happen when not running it in Terminal, which I am.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 45, in <module>
data.config = Configuration()
Have also tried in the shell, but it leads to the same error, and I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to type in there.
Installed Wine with "wine-installer", which was stated as the recommended way. However, as suspected, this only gave me the very outdated version (currently 5.0.3) of Wine. So now I need to figure out how to clean out the thing, and try again. Things aren't easy when you don't know what to do most of the time :-/
At least the mod manager starts up when using that outdated Wine version, though I suspect the game itself wouldn't run very nicely.
When doing things like this, I'm constantly reminded of that classic xkcd strip that goes something like "If I can only get the computer back working like it did before..."