Luisfius: Even at that pricepoint, it would be cheaper for me to get a physical copy of Civ V in a game store. Same reason why I did not get Civ V in the Christmas sale.
Seriously, it costs the equivalent of 30 dollars in the game shop.
carnival73: Digi sellers need to keep in mind that when someone chooses them over old-fashioned hard copy, that person is sacrificing a tangeable backup which is potentially collectible, offers resale value and REFUNDABLE.
Considering this Digi sellers shouldn't be attempting to compete so close to retail price.
Let alone charging more than a retailer.
No refunding or reselling Civ V due to it being a Steamworks title, and each key having to be linked to a particular Steam account.
Strangely, the key that came in my Civ V copy did not work when I tried to add it to steam with the "activate a product" option, only through the Civ V installer.
Still, kind of silly that the discounted price at D2D is higher than the physical one undiscounted for once.