StonerMk2: Steam had the entire X series on sale during its Winter Sale. Me being a dumbass i didnt bite, still waiting for it to get a bit cheaper, considering i can pick up X3 Gold at Target for 10 bucks whenever i want, just want it on Steam.
Yeah I saw that but just like the gold pack it just doesn't interest me. I only want TC. Paying extra for the whole pack 'because it's a great deal' is meaningless to me. It's like getting The Guild 2 Gold or whatever. I'll never touch the previous games, there's no need.
So for me the price = for TC, and then I can get a better deal just waiting for a sale on that alone.
And yeah I saw the Gamersgate thing for 1C too, and 1C was 75% last year on the Steam Xmas sale as well, that's why it felt so disappointing.