Posted February 12, 2019

Recently it has come to my attention that Ubisoft games, bought through Steam, do require the Steam client to be downloaded (including updates) and be installed, but do not require the Steam client to be running when starting or while playing the game, provided you apply the method mentioned below.
If a user where to start the game by using the application's .exe (executable), found in the "steamapps" folder, then the Uplay client will be opened and the game will launch, bypassing the Steam client.
If a game though is started through the Uplay client, by clicking its "Play" button, then the Steam client will be opened and the game will launch after.
There is a minor drawback in bypassing the Steam client though and that is skipping necessery updates, without which you can not play online. For single player games someone couldn't care less, but for multiplayer ones it would be mandatory to open the Steam client, in order to update the game and be able to play online.
Post edited February 12, 2019 by Fate-is-one-edge