drinnen: Humble Pulling a last minute Summer Sale Encore stamp thing, this one though you have buy something to get the last freebie.
1 stamp the humble monthly discount for the 1 guy who buys on humble and still hasn't done the monthly even once.
3 stamps get Glass Masquerade free
4 stamps get Slay.one free
6 stamps get Murderous Pursuits free.
Its ends 10pm PDT September 17 which is less than 6 days so the last is only fore spenders.
All games are whilst stock lasts too and I missed a day and missed the 2nd freebie last week.
At least now they have added "while supply last". I still have to games in my library which I am unable to reveal and humble did not reply to my support request yet. I would not worry that much about "Murderous Pursuits". I've looked it up and it's actually only multi player based and the reviews were quite mixed so no ig loss imo.