Posted February 14, 2017

More content may be coming soon!
Runs for a week.
Humble Bundle will match contributions up to $300,000 (currently past the half).
Supports the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the IRC (International Rescue Committee), and MSF (Doctors Without Borders).

- Subnautica (Early Access)
- Nuclear Throne
- Super Meat Boy (no Steam keys left, DRM-free still available)
- No Time to Explain Remastered
- Monster Loves You!
- Streamline (Early Access)
- Nuclear Throne
- No Time to Explain Remastered
- Streamline (Early Access)
On the other hand, those three games are still sold-out for new customers:
- Monster Loves You!
- Subnautica (Early Access)
- Super Meat Boy (no Steam keys left, DRM-free still available)