LJChronx: Will it run on my laptop? I think Im asking mostly about my CPU speed, which is less than the requirements.
i7 - 4510U 2.00 GHz Quad Core
Radeon R9 M275 2 GB
8 GB Ram
Great price, so I would love to buy it, but only if I could run a at mid-low settings decently.
according to this:
https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp%5B%5D=2248&cmp%5B%5D=772 your CPU is more powerful than the min PC specs.
dyscode: OH YES (my GOTY 2014, YMMV) / Yes
And It is played best with a controller!!! - think Dark Souls.
cecil: I have a 360 controller and I LOVE it
well thanks for totally unselling me on it I HATE Dark Souls :-(
I only referred to it for the requirement of a controller. KB+M totally sucks with this game IMHO. LOL.
But it's totally different to Dark Souls (in a way). Enemies are a hell of a lot smarter and dynamic than in Dark Souls and will LEARN from the encounters with you, so they get harder to kill the more often you meet them, if you don't manage to kill them right away. So you are constantly forced to get better and change your tactics and that can get quite challanging ... and demanding.