beliar: Lots of exciting discounts this time.
Discounts range from 15 to 40 % off.
Pheace: Damn, the word exciting must have changed a lot recently :p
Maybe he meant 'stimulating' or 'titillating'
As I understand it, the progression of Japanese artwork goes like this:
Shoujo/Shounen Anime (more-or-less kid safe; however plots may or may not make sense - even to adults watching)
Otome (young female and teen romances stories, usually VN games)
Manga (same as above, but likely has more violence and/or fan service)
[Fan Service: unintentional (?) glimpses of underwear. Even mainstream titles usually have it, e.g. Nausicaa or Gurren Lagann (a whole episode's worth, from what I read)]
H or ecchi or Hentai (gratuitous fan service on up to straight up porn. IIRC Hentai means pervert or perverted)
Eroge (in games - story is forgone in pursuit of the ... well, you get the idea)
So, which are these games?