amrit9037: Few hours back a US lady blocked me on facebook because I saw her daughter's profile which she tagged in facebook post and which has ALL THE INFO SET TO PUBLIC and told her we have same b'day.
Some more idiots jumped in on me.
I thought to explain them if a facebook profile is public then ANYONE CAN SEE IT.
But stopped in middle because stupidity has no limit and told her to block me.
I have a Facebook account, I only log in once a month, but I'll share my opinion nevertheless:
1. You NEVER contact a girl if her age is less than 14 (if you don't know her at all). I doesn't matter if the profile is set to public, perhaps she doesn't know it's set to public or doesn't know how to change it to "friends only".
2. You are free to contact a girl if her age is 18 or more, but it doesn't mean she has to answer you. Throwing "F" bombs it's indeed too much, she could just ignore you or say something like "Sorry, but I don't wanna talk to you".
3. If girl's age is 14 to 17 then, well, it's probably good to contact her ONLY if you age is close to her age. Paragraph 2 still aplies.
If I'll set my profile to public it doesn't mean I'm open to discussion with anybody on Facebook. Perhaps I hope an old acquaintance can find me out (an highschool or college mate that I lost contact, we didn't have mobile phones back then).